I don't think it's normal. I'm burping around 100-300 times a day.
I wanna see a doctor but my mom claims it's normal and I should just drink water, lol which just makes it worse..
No,It is not normal to ''Fap'' 5 to 6 tmes a day. If you do, Consult a doctor about your addiction. -Bowie
Yes you can fart 120 times a day it's Isnt exactly normal buy it can happen to anyone
Urinating six times a day can just mean that you have consumed plenty of liquids. It is nothing to worry about. If your urine is clear (like water) or yellow-clear, it means that you are very hydrated, which is good. If your urine is pink or brown, then you should consider seeing a doctor.
On an analog clock, there is one 5 that is always apparent.On a digital clock, it depends whether or not seconds are displayed. If not, the hours position shows 5 twice per day, the tens of minutes position shows 5 once per hour or 24 times per day, and the minutes position shows 5 six times per hour, which is 144 times per day.2 times/day + 24 times/day + 144 times/day = 170 times/dayIf seconds are displayed, in addition to the 170 times/day you have in the tens of seconds position a 5 once per minute, which is 1440 (60 * 24) times per day, and in the seconds position you have a 5 six times per minute, which is 8640 (1440 * 6) times per day.170 times/day + 1440 times/day + 8640 times/day = 10,250 times/day
well we blink more than 70 times a day
on a average scale moles burp 86 times a day
often 0
Most people pass gas about 14 times a day, either by burping or farting.
An average human burps 5 to 10 times a day...depends on what you eat and the amount you eat...also sometimes you can fource burp... ;) but yeah burping is natural so what every you do don't be mad if you burp or famrt your only human...also your gas will smell like what you eat so if your food smells bad your gas will smell worse... ;)
yes normal poop4-5 times a day yes normal poop4-5 times a day
30 times .
to release the gas in your stomach
Yes, one to two times a day is normal. It would not be normal if you did not "stool" at all in a ady.
poop 2 times a day, and pee 4 times a day, and fart 14-15 times a day IS NORMAL BELIEVE IT OR NOT
At the normal times of the day
No,It is not normal to ''Fap'' 5 to 6 tmes a day. If you do, Consult a doctor about your addiction. -Bowie
People might check their phones 90 times a day on average. This can include looking at messages, notifications, social media, or emails throughout the day.