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No, there is confusion here over similar words. Volume = length times width times height.

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Q: Is volume length times weight times height?
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Length times width times height

What is length times width times height equal?

volume The 'Volume' of an object or space

When the height of a box shaped object is multiplied by its width and lenght its volume is found?

That is correct. Volume is height x length x width.

Where is volume found?

Length times width times height = volume or Volume could be the intensity of sound.

How do you calculate length times width times height?

To calculate volume simply do length x width x height

What is the formula to find volume in cubes?

The term cubic applies to cubes, cuboids, and other parallelograms, which have 3 dimensions - length, width, and height for example. To find the volume, multiply the length times the width times the height in any consistent units. The formula is L x W x H.

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length times width times height