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Q: Is wavelength the inverse of period?
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How do you find the inverse frequency of a wave?

To find the inverse frequency of a wave, you simply take the reciprocal of the frequency value. For example, if the frequency of a wave is 10 Hz, the inverse frequency would be 1/10 Hz. This can be useful in certain calculations or when analyzing wave properties.

If the period of a wave decreases its frequency must?

Period and frequency are inverse to each other, as period increases frequency decreases. So, to answer this question as the period of the wave decreases its frequency must increase.

If a frequency of a wave increases what will happen?

Increase decrease. The frequency MUST decrease.

When wave with a frequency of 10 hertz moves at 360 ms what is the period of the wave?

If you mean a wave that has a frequency of 10 hz at 360 m/s, then the answer is 1/36 of a second. The period is the inverse of the wavelength and the wavelength is equal to the wave speed divided y the frequency. 360/10=36 and the inverse of 36 is 1/36.

What is the relationship between wavelength and period?

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase, while period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. The relationship between wavelength and period is described by the wave speed equation: wave speed = wavelength / period. This means that as wavelength increases, period also increases, and vice versa.

What is the period of a wave with a frequency of 100 Hz and a wavelength of 2.0 m?

The period of a wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle to pass a point. It is inversely proportional to frequency, so the period can be calculated as the inverse of the frequency: 1/100 Hz = 0.01 s. The wavelength does not affect the period of the wave.

What is the time it takes to complete one wavelength?

The time it takes to complete one wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave. It is calculated as the inverse of the frequency, using the formula T = 1/f, where T is the time period and f is the frequency.

How measure the sun temperature?

Use a spectrometer to measure the wavelength of the light. There is a direct, but inverse correlation of the wavelength to the temperature.

The wave equation says that a waves speed is equal to its time its frequency?

The speed or velocity of a wave is equal to the wavelength times the frequency. The period (amount of time for one wavelength to occur) is equal to 1 over the frequency (the inverse of its frequency).

The distance between two consecutive crests on a wave?

The distance between two consecutive crests on a wave is known as the wavelength. It is typically measured in meters and represents the length of one complete wave cycle. Wavelength is an important property of a wave and determines its frequency and energy.

If the wave has a wavelength of 0.34m and frequency 0.75s what is the speed of the wave?

0.453 metres per second, that is if the provided frequency was given in period (0.75seconds) therefore the inverse is 1.33 hertz...

How the wavelength of waves traveling with the same speed would change if the waves increases?

The wavelength would decrease - in inverse proportion.