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If you mean a wave that has a frequency of 10 hz at 360 m/s, then the answer is 1/36 of a second. The period is the inverse of the wavelength and the wavelength is equal to the wave speed divided y the frequency. 360/10=36 and the inverse of 36 is 1/36.

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Q: When wave with a frequency of 10 hertz moves at 360 ms what is the period of the wave?
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The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. Therefore, for a wave with a frequency of 16.1 Hz, the period can be calculated as 1/16.1 = 0.0621 seconds.

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The period of a wave can be directly calculated from the frequency of the wave. The period is the inverse of frequency (T = 1/f), where T is the period in seconds and f is the frequency in hertz.

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A wave with a frequency of one hertz completes one full cycle (oscillation) in one second. The frequency of a wave is simply a measure of how many cycles it completes in a given time period.

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A wave frequency of 10 Hertz corresponds to a period of 0.1 seconds. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, so in this case, 1/10 = 0.1 seconds.

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The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. So, to find the period of the FM wave, you would take the reciprocal of 8.85 times 10^7 hertz. This would give you the period in seconds.

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One second 0.004

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Frequency is the characteristic of a wave that is measured in hertz. Frequency describes the number of complete cycles of a wave that occur in a specific time period, usually measured in cycles per second (hertz).

The unit of the period of a wave is the hertz True Or False?

False. The unit of the period of a wave is seconds, not hertz. Period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave, while hertz represents the frequency of the wave, which is the number of cycles per second.

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The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, in other words, one divide by the frequency. If the frequency is in Hertz, the period is in seconds.

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The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. In other words, divide 1 by the period. If the period is in seconds, the frequency is in hertz.

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The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of the period. In this case, the frequency would be 1 divided by 25 milliseconds, which equals 40 Hertz (Hz).

A wave with a frequency of 10 hertz moves at 360 ms what is the wavelength of the wave?

360m/s/10hz = 36m