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Q: Is writing on your hand bad for you?
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Why is it that some people who are good at math have bad writing skills?

Given these two characteristics, there are four possibilities: Some people are good at math and have bad writing skills. Some people are good at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have bad writing skills. Leaving aside what it means to be "good" or "bad" at these disciplines, it is likely that these groups of people have varying amounts of genetic predisposition for success at these aptitudes and their environments provided varying amounts of support or resistance to help them fulfill their levels of achievement. If you're suggesting a causal relationship, that to be "good" at one necessarily implies being "bad" at another, I don't think such generalizations are useful.

How do you write good handwriting?

Practicing your hand writing is the best way to write good. You have to practice and more practice until you are satisfied with your writing

Is it true that if you are good at math but terrible at writing you're bad at science engineering and business?


How many spaces when starting a paragraph?

If you are writing on the computer just use the tab button. If you are hand writing you should just use your thumb as a tab space button!

Is it normal for you to be good at math but bad at writing?

Yes, many students are. You do not necessarily have to be good at writing to be good at something else. Eventually, however, you will very likely be expected to explain something you've done to someone who doesn't understand the field, and being bad at writing will make such explanations a challenge. The best way to improve your writing skills is to A) take more writing courses than are required for graduation, and B) write as much as possible - essays, papers, articles, etc. Never resign yourself to being a bad writer. If you think or know you are, do what is necessary to remedy the situation.

Related questions

Which term refers to bad hand writing?

Chicken scratch

Why is bad hand writing good for you?

so no one can copy your homework or tests, or projetcs

How can you tell if picture or painting is hand signed by the artist?

you can see the hand writing of an artist but if you don't the artist writing is beautiful and neat just like how they draw and the people the aren't artist, they write very bad and unneat writing,,,,,,,,

Is hand writing and normal writing the samething?

Yes a hand writing a normal writing are the same thing

Is writing on your hand poisonous?

You cannot get led poisoning from writing on your hand.

Can you still be an engineer if you are bad at writing papers?

You'll certainly have to write things, sooner or later. On the other hand, you can still learn to do it.

Did William Shakespeare have good hand writing?

no he had the WORST hand writing ever

How do you you get better at your hand writing?

well for starters if you think your handwriting looks bad it's probably because you write to fast cause mostly everyone in my class has great handwriting because they're writing slow another way is to ask a good hand writer to help you with it

What does the word turnishing mean?

It is when your write in capitals, typically because you have bad hand writing. If you are SHOUTING online or via texts, it may be called turnishing.

What are theAdvantages of writing with left hand?

The advantages are when you write in Arabic you don't smudge your writing, whereas if you write with the right hand the writing will smudge.

How is max doing with his writing?


How did sumerian writing change?

it might be an answer like it was bad writing when it was 3000 B.C.E. and they decided to change the writing differently. sorry for a bad answer but at least its an answer!