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It depends on what z and x are. Since you did not share that information, it is not possible to give a sensible answer.

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Q: Is z a subset of x?
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What is x-y-z plane?

It is a particular 2-dimensional subset of 3-dimensional space.

Is RR subset of complex number C?

If a complex number z = (x, y) = x +iy where x and y are real numbers (and i is the imaginary root of -1), then RxR is is isomorphic to C. This means that the two sets are equivalent.

What is meant by a subgroup generated by an element x belongs to group G?

It is a subset of the Group G which has all the properties of a Group, namely that it is a set of elements (numbers) with a binary operation (addition) that combines any two elements in the set to form a third element which is also in the set. The Group satisfies four axioms: closure, associativity, identity and invertibility. The set of integers, Z, is a Group, with addition as the binary operation. [It is also a Ring, but that is not important here]. The set of all multiples of 7 is a subgroup of Z. Denote the subgroup by Z7. It is a Group because: Closure: If x and y are in Z7, then x = 7*p for some p in Z and y = 7*q for some q in Z. Then x + y = 7*p + 7*q = 7*(p+q) where p+q is in Z because Z is a Group. Therefore 7*(p+q) is in Z7. Associativity: If x (= 7p), y (= 7q) and z (= 7r) are in 7Z, then (x + y) + z = (7p + 7q) + 7r since these are in Z an Z is associative, = 7p + (7q + 7r) = x + (y + z). Identity: The additive identity is 0, since 0 + x = 0 + 7p = 7p since 0 is the additive identity in Z. Invertibility: If x = 7a is in Z7 then 7*(-a) is also in 7Z. If 7*(-a) is denoted by -x, then x + (-x) = 7a + 7*(-a) = 0 and so -x is the additive inverse of x. But there are elements of Z, for example, 2 which are not in Z7 so Z7 it is a proper subset of Z.

Is x subset of f?

It depends on what x and f are.

What is the proper subset?

The set X is a proper subset of Y if Xcontains none or more elements from Y and there is at least one element of Y that is not in X.

Related questions

What is x-y-z plane?

It is a particular 2-dimensional subset of 3-dimensional space.

If a set A is equivalent to a subset of B and B is equivalent to a subset of A then show that A is equivalent to B?

This problem can be modeled and tested quite easily. Set A can be [X,Y], subset B [X,Y], and subset A [X,Y]. Therefore A and B are equivalent.

Is RR subset of complex number C?

If a complex number z = (x, y) = x +iy where x and y are real numbers (and i is the imaginary root of -1), then RxR is is isomorphic to C. This means that the two sets are equivalent.

What is meant by a subgroup generated by an element x belongs to group G?

It is a subset of the Group G which has all the properties of a Group, namely that it is a set of elements (numbers) with a binary operation (addition) that combines any two elements in the set to form a third element which is also in the set. The Group satisfies four axioms: closure, associativity, identity and invertibility. The set of integers, Z, is a Group, with addition as the binary operation. [It is also a Ring, but that is not important here]. The set of all multiples of 7 is a subgroup of Z. Denote the subgroup by Z7. It is a Group because: Closure: If x and y are in Z7, then x = 7*p for some p in Z and y = 7*q for some q in Z. Then x + y = 7*p + 7*q = 7*(p+q) where p+q is in Z because Z is a Group. Therefore 7*(p+q) is in Z7. Associativity: If x (= 7p), y (= 7q) and z (= 7r) are in 7Z, then (x + y) + z = (7p + 7q) + 7r since these are in Z an Z is associative, = 7p + (7q + 7r) = x + (y + z). Identity: The additive identity is 0, since 0 + x = 0 + 7p = 7p since 0 is the additive identity in Z. Invertibility: If x = 7a is in Z7 then 7*(-a) is also in 7Z. If 7*(-a) is denoted by -x, then x + (-x) = 7a + 7*(-a) = 0 and so -x is the additive inverse of x. But there are elements of Z, for example, 2 which are not in Z7 so Z7 it is a proper subset of Z.

Is x subset of f?

It depends on what x and f are.

Diffentiate between full and partial dependency?

Full Dependency:Given a relation R and functional dependency x->y (y is fully functionally dependent on x)there is no any z->y ,where Z is a proper subset of xPartial Dependency:If any proper subset of the key determine any of the non-key attributes then there exist a partial dependency p q->c d (p q is the primary key)p->cq->cp->dq->d

What is the proper subset?

The set X is a proper subset of Y if Xcontains none or more elements from Y and there is at least one element of Y that is not in X.

If log5 x equals z then x is?

logbase5 of x =z x=5^z

If x is y and y is z which statement must be be true?

If x = y and y = z then x = z

Prove that A intersect with B is the subset of A?

Let x be in A intersect B. Then x is in A and x is in B. Then x is in A.

Why all graph lies in x and y plane but not in z-plane?

The z-direction is used in upper level mathematics when the additional variable, z, is added for analysis. When this is done, equations are usually functions of x and y, with z being the dependent variable. Functions in the x-y plane are a special subset of the functions with x, y, and z, where z = 0.Algebra, Calculus and other lower math courses typically only deal with the two variables, x and y, because, as many people will attest, it is hard enough just with two variables. Therefore it is enough for all the graphs to be contained in the x-y plane and to ignore the z-direction in order for students to learn basic concepts and ideas to be used in later math courses which may add the z variable (and potentially more variables in the more abstract math courses).

Possible subsets of x y z?

There are 8 different subsets. The null set. {x} {y} {z} {x y} {x z} {y z} {x y z}