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Q: Is zero vector is perpendicular any vector?
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Is vector A parallel vector B given that vector A is equal to the zero vector and vector B is equal to the zero vector?

The zero vector is both parallel and perpendicular to any other vector. V.0 = 0 means zero vector is perpendicular to V and Vx0 = 0 means zero vector is parallel to V.

What is a perpendicular vector?

A perpendicular vector is a vector that forms a right angle (90 degrees) with another vector in a given space. This means that the dot product of two perpendicular vectors is zero, indicating that they are orthogonal to each other.

A vedtor which is perpendicular to every vector?

The zero vector is not perpendicular to all vectors, but it is orthogonal to all vectors.

If the component of vector A along the direction of vector B is zero. What can you conclude about these two vectors?

Their directions are perpendicular.

Will a vector be zero if anyone of its component is zero?

If any component of a vector is not zero, then the vector is not zero.

Dot product of unit vectors of cartesian and cylindrical coordinate system?

Unit vectors are perpendicular. Their dot product is zero. That means that no unit vector has any component that is parallel to another unit vector.

Can a vector have zero magnitude if one of its component is not zero?

No, a vector cannot have zero magnitude if one of its components is not zero. The magnitude of a vector is determined by the combination of all its components, so if any component is not zero, the vector will have a non-zero magnitude.

What is a zero vector?

A zero vector is a vector whose elements are all zero. It has no direction or magnitude, and does not change the position of any point it is added to. In mathematics, it is often denoted as 0.

How to you find a vector parallel to two given vectors?

I think you meant to ask for finding a perpendicular vector, rather than parallel. If that is the case, the cross product of two non-parallel vectors will produce a vector which is perpendicular to both of them, unless they are parallel, which the cross product = 0. (a zero vector)

How would you define the zero vector 0?

The zero vector, denoted as 0, is a vector with all components equal to zero. It serves as the additive identity element in vector spaces, meaning that adding it to any vector does not change the vector's value.

Can a vector have zero magnitudes if one of its component is not zero?

No. The magnitude of a vector can't be less than any component.

If one component of a vector A is zero along the direction of another vector B then in what direction the two vectors will be?

If one component of vector A is zero along the direction of vector B, it means the two vectors are orthogonal or perpendicular to each other. Their directions would be such that they are at a right angle to each other.