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Q: Jenny is ordering 600 mm length aluminum sheets for her company. She finds two different suppliers and orders a box of 40 sheets from each company. She then measures each sheet and creates the dotplot?
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It will be easier to know what to write

Is hotel and restaurant management all about cooking?

Nope - it also involves cash-handling, communication, ordering goods from suppliers, liaising with outside organisations, disciplining staff, recruitment etc etc...

A website that sells a bulk supply of index cards.?

You could try ordering these from Costco or look up to see if there are any large stationary suppliers who would be interested in selling cards to you in bulk

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Plastic rivets can be purchased at hardware stores, home improvement stores, automotive supply stores, or online retailers specializing in fasteners and hardware. They are often available in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different needs.

What are the first 5 integral numbers?

Unlike counting numbers, in the natural ordering of integers there is no "first" number, since each integer has both a precursor and a successor. Of course, you can use a different ordering, and say that the first 5 integers are 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, for example - but note that this is a different (and arbitrary) ordering, not the natural ordering.

What are the different categories of processors?

we know that the process of byte ordering is called according to byte ordering these are two types one is bigendian and another is little endian processor

When I order a dlc character for a video game is it the same as ordering from amazon com or is it different?

When you order a character for a video game from DLC it is not the same as ordering from It is different because you are order it straight from the game manufacturer or the game system itself.

What is a sentence for ordering?

Stop ordering me around.We are ordering a Chinese takeaway tonight.

If I have a red galaxy s4 can I change it to a white one?

You can change your Galaxy S4 to a different color by either ordering a cover/case for it or by ordering a new color when you upgrade your phone for a new one.

How can variations in DNA lead to the inheritance of different traits?

Variations in DNA can lead to the inheritance of different traits through changes in the sequence of nucleotides. These changes can alter the structure and function of proteins, which are responsible for many traits. The inheritance of specific variations in DNA can result in differences in physical characteristics, behaviors, and susceptibility to certain diseases.

What is the ordering system?

The definition of ordering system is the program or method in which the ordering process is carried out. Examples of an ordering system are MRP, DRP and fixed reorder point.

What are the ordering procedures in a laboratory?

Ordering procedures in a laboratory typically involve requesting the necessary supplies, equipment, reagents, or services through a designated system. This can include submitting electronic purchase orders, using specific procurement software, or communicating directly with suppliers. Orders may need to adhere to budget constraints, lead times, and specific approval processes to ensure smooth operation of the laboratory.