

Best Answer

0.95 x 400 = 380

That's the first step. So she's ranked #380. How many BELOW her.... the answer is 379.

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Q: Kate scored in the 95th percentile rank on an exam If 400 students took the exam how many students scored lower than Kate?
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What is the IQ score when the percentile is 95?

The 95th percentile represents an IQ of about 125.

What is the fifth and 9fifth percentiles?

The 50th percentile is average. The 5th is way below and the 95th is way above.The 5th and 95th percentiles are the lines that set of the "edges of the curve" in a distribution over a bell curve. If you draw the bell, and mark the 5th and 95th percentile spots, those marks separate the bulk of the curve from its edges. The 5th percentile sets off the bottom edge and the 95th percentile sets off the top edge of the curve.

What does fifth - 9fifth percentile mean?

Suppose we were considering the heights of all 18-year-old women in a certain European city. We might put the heights in a (long) list and sort them from smallest to largest. Let's suppose that there were exactly 500 women on the list. 5% of them would be 25. The height of the woman at position 25 from the top would be called the 25th percentile. 95% would be 475, and the height of the woman at position 475 would be called the 95th percentile. Then we might say that the 5th to the 95th percentile would include all the women from position 25 through position 475.

What is the fifth and 9fifth percentiles of a mean temperature of 98.2 and the standard deviation is 0.62?

The 5th percentile of a standard normal distribution is -1.645 (from the normal probability table). z = (x - μ) / σ -1.645 = (x-98.2) / .62 (0.62)(-1.645) = x-98.2 -1.0199 = x-98.2 x = 98.2-1.0199 = 97.1801 The 5th percentile is 97.18 The 95th percentile of a standard normal distribution is 1.645 (from the normal probability table). z = (x - μ) / σ 1.645 = (x-98.2) / .62 (0.62)(1.645) = x-98.2 1.0199 = x-98.2 x = 98.2+1.0199 = 99.2199 The 95th percentile is 99.22

What is an average weight of a 4 year old?

U.S. Averages4.5 year old BoyHeight: 41.7" average (38.8-43.9")Weight: 38.3 lbs (31.8-45.6 lbs)4.5 year old GirlHeight: 41.1 " average (38.3-44.2")Weight: 37.3 lbs (30.6-48.6 lbs)Note: The range in parentheses is the 5th through the 95th percentile.

Related questions

What is the IQ score when the percentile is 95?

The 95th percentile represents an IQ of about 125.

What does 5th-95th percentile mean?

It is the vast majority of people say 100 people took a test 5th-95th percentile would be the middle 90 people

What is the fifth and 9fifth percentiles?

The 50th percentile is average. The 5th is way below and the 95th is way above.The 5th and 95th percentiles are the lines that set of the "edges of the curve" in a distribution over a bell curve. If you draw the bell, and mark the 5th and 95th percentile spots, those marks separate the bulk of the curve from its edges. The 5th percentile sets off the bottom edge and the 95th percentile sets off the top edge of the curve.

What is a gifted score on the fourth grade MAP test?

A gifted score on the MAP test typically falls within the 95th percentile or higher, meaning the student scored better than 95% of their peers who took the same test. This score indicates advanced performance in comparison to other students of the same grade level.

What percentile does a raw score in the 70s or 80s on a practice test of the Miller Analogies Test represent?

Raw scores in the 70s or 80s correspond to the 90th or 95th percentile.

What is considered overweight for medium build 12 year old boys and girls?

The ideal weight for a child depends on their height and age. A boy or a girl, that's 12 years old, would be considered overweight if they fall in the 85th to 95th percentile and obese if they are above the 95th percentile.

What is IQ percentile required to join International Society of Philosophical Enquiry?

The International Society of Philosophical Enquiry typically requires an IQ score in the top 5th percentile (95th percentile or higher) to join.

What does fifth - 9fifth percentile mean?

Suppose we were considering the heights of all 18-year-old women in a certain European city. We might put the heights in a (long) list and sort them from smallest to largest. Let's suppose that there were exactly 500 women on the list. 5% of them would be 25. The height of the woman at position 25 from the top would be called the 25th percentile. 95% would be 475, and the height of the woman at position 475 would be called the 95th percentile. Then we might say that the 5th to the 95th percentile would include all the women from position 25 through position 475.

What is the fifth and 9fifth percentiles of a mean temperature of 98.2 and the standard deviation is 0.62?

The 5th percentile of a standard normal distribution is -1.645 (from the normal probability table). z = (x - μ) / σ -1.645 = (x-98.2) / .62 (0.62)(-1.645) = x-98.2 -1.0199 = x-98.2 x = 98.2-1.0199 = 97.1801 The 5th percentile is 97.18 The 95th percentile of a standard normal distribution is 1.645 (from the normal probability table). z = (x - μ) / σ 1.645 = (x-98.2) / .62 (0.62)(1.645) = x-98.2 1.0199 = x-98.2 x = 98.2+1.0199 = 99.2199 The 95th percentile is 99.22

Is my SAT score good enough for the CTY program cause I got a 1620 in SAT.?

Well, the 1620 must be on the new 2400 scale. Since we are talking about the SAT, consider the following: We encourage educators, parents, and others to nominate students who exhibit outstanding academic talent to participate in the CTY Talent Search. The nominations are based on the following criteria: 95th percentile or higher... Achievement at the 95th percentile or higher on one or more subtests of a nationally-normed standardized test The percentile for your age group should be printed on your SAT report for each subject as well as an overall score. Here is the percentile rank for each subscore of the SAT for collegebound seniors. Remember that this is probably not applicable to your age group. Remember, this is just for a nomination and it is not guarinteed.

What weight is considered overweight for an eleven year old girl?

If you wish to determine if you are overweight the following information may help:The following is the typical information that is used to determine if a child is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese; you must start with a children's weight chart, in which you simply plan/plot your height, BMI (Body Mass Index) and weight to determine where you fall with others children of your age group.Now to determine if you are underweight, the BMI should be below the 5th percentile; if you are of normal weight, the BMI should be at the 5th percentile but less than the 85th percentile; if your are overweight, the BMI should be the 85th percentile but below the 95th percentile; and finally, if you are of obese weight, the BMI is at or above the 95th percentile.

Height and weight for 12 year old?

For a girl at 12 years of age 137 cm is on the third percentile, she would be one of the shortest girls in her age group. Her weight would be very heavy for that height. With a BMI of 25.5 12 year old girls would be on the 95th percentile but it is certainly quite possible.For a boy the child would be on the 5th percentile (so still short) and again heavy for their age, probably on about the 95th percentile for weight so fatter than most kids of that height and age but still feasible.For more information look at