Algebraic Geometry - book - was created in 1977.
Geometry has been studied in every civilization that we have written records of. In that sense, no mathematician can have created geometry. Euclid is generally recognized as having pioneered the use of the axiomatic method in mathematics. Of that work, his most famous is his work in geometry.
The Sumerians (Sumerian Civilization) was the first to develop algebra and geometry
The first recorded study of spherical geometry was by Autolycus of Pitane, in the 4th century BC.
Turtle Geometry was created in 1981.
Advances in Geometry was created in 2001.
Galactic Civilizations was created in 1994.
The Clash of Civilizations was created in 1996.
Geometry of Love was created in 2003-10.
The Fractal Geometry of Nature was created in 1982.
Savilian Professor of Geometry was created in 1619.
Gresham Professor of Geometry was created in 1596.
Geometry Wars was created on 2003-11-17.
Journal of Computational Geometry was created in 2010.
The Geometry of Shadows was created on 1994-11-16.