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Q: Leptospirosis and salmonellosis are associated with which vector?
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What is a vector magnitude?

A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.

What type of organism is salmonellosis?

Salmonellosis is a disease caused by salmonella bacteria

Is kilometers per hour a vector?

No, there is no direction associated with it.

Quantity that has a direction associated with it?

Vector. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction. Examples of vectors include velocity, force, and displacement.

Can the magnitude of a vector has negative value?

No, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero. It represents the length of the vector and is a scalar quantity. Negative values are not associated with the magnitude of a vector.

What is the relationship between numbers and vectors discussing the displacement vector t and a negative?

A vector has a direction associated with it. A number (or scalar) does not.

How can you tell a measurement is vector?

A measurement is considered a vector if it has both magnitude and direction. For example, velocity and force are vector quantities because they have a specific magnitude and direction associated with them.

On Cartesian axes the x-component of a vector is generally associated with what?


What is the range of Leptospirosis?

he disease can range from very mild and symptomless to a more serious, even life threatening form, that may be associated with kidney (renal) failure.

Can you list some types of bacterial diseases in animals?

Actinomycosis, Bartonellosis, Bordetella, Brusellosis, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, Clostridium, Colilbacillosis, Ehrlichiosis, Helicobacter, Hemobartonella, Lyme, Leptospirosis, Mysobacteria, Mycoplasma, Nocardiosis, Plague, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Salmon Poisoning, Salmonellosis, Streotococcosis, Staphylococcosis, Tularemia, and Tyzzer's Disease.

Is length a scalar quantity or a vector quantity?

length is a scalar quantity buddy . but displacement is vector quantity. Length is a vector quantity If it is associated with direction.. Because having direction make it vector... S0 being vector or scalar depends upon how and where it is used..