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Q: On Cartesian axes the x-component of a vector is generally associated with what?
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What is xcomponent of vector 'f' whose 'y' component is fY2?

The components are independent so it isn't possible to derive one component from another (in general).

How do you determine if -y x is a two dimensional vector or not?

(-y, x) is generally a point in the Cartesian plane - not a vector nor a scalar. You can have a vector going from any point in the plane to the point (-y, x) but that is not the same thing.

Can any vector be represented by two other vectors that are right angels to each others?

Yes. This is the basis of cartesian vector notation. With cartesian coordinates, vectors in 2D are represented by two vectors, those in 3D are represented by three. Vectors are generally represented by three vectors, but even if the vector was not in an axial plane, it would be possible to represent the vector as the sum of two vectors at right angles to eachother.

Is the Cartesian coordinates a scalar or a vector or neither?

A vector is a magnitude with a direction, so if you have a line that is +2 on the x-axis and +2 on the y-axis, that would be a vector.

What is a vector magnitude?

A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.

What term is given to the net figue that results from vector addition?

It is a translation on the Cartesian plane

What is the cartesian equation for the vector function rt equals 4costi-4sintj?


Leptospirosis and salmonellosis are associated with which vector?


Dot product of unit vectors of cartesian and cylindrical coordinate system?

Unit vectors are perpendicular. Their dot product is zero. That means that no unit vector has any component that is parallel to another unit vector.

Is kilometers per hour a vector?

No, there is no direction associated with it.

Quantity that has a direction associated with it?

Vector. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction. Examples of vectors include velocity, force, and displacement.

Can the magnitude of a vector has negative value?

No, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero. It represents the length of the vector and is a scalar quantity. Negative values are not associated with the magnitude of a vector.