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Q: Let G be a finite cyclic group prove that every subgroup H of G is isomorphic to some factor group G mod K and every factor group G mod K is isomorphic to some subgroup H?
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Every finite group is isomorphic to a permutation group?

yes form cayleys theorem . every group is isomorphic to groups of permutation and finite groups are not an exception.

How do we prove that a finite group G of order p prime is cyclic using Lagrange?

Lagrange theorem states that the order of any subgroup of a group G must divide order of the group G. If order p of the group G is prime the only divisors are 1 and p, therefore the only subgroups of G are {e} and G itself. Take any a not equal e. Then the set of all integer powers of a is by definition a cyclic subgroup of G, but the only subgroup of G with more then 1 element is G itself, therefore G is cyclic. QED.

What is an embedding degree?

In the context of Algebraic Geometry and Cryptography, the embedding degree is a value associated with an algebraic curve, more precisely with a cyclic subgroup of the abelian group associated with the curve.Given an elliptic curve (or an hyperelliptic curve), we can consider its associated abelian group - in the case of an elliptic curve corresponds to the set of points - and a cyclic subgroup G, typically its largest.Using pairings (more notably, the Tate pairing or Weil pairing), we can map G to a subgroup of a finite field.More precisely, if the curve was defined over a finite field of size q, G is mapped to a subgroup of a finite field of size qk for some integer k. The smallest such integer k is called the embedding degree.Moreover, if G has size n it satisfies n | qk - 1 (n divides qk - 1).In Cryptography, the embedding degree most notably appears in security constraints for Elliptic Curve Cryptography and in the more recent area of Pairing Based Cryptography. Pairings allow us to "map" problems over elliptic curves to problems over finite fields and vice-versa with the security and efficiency issues of each side.For example, given the known attacks for the Discrete Logarithm Problem over elliptic curves and over finite fields, in Elliptic Curve Cryptography curves with a very small embedding degree (lower than 6, say) are usually avoided. On the other hand, because in Pairing Based Cryptography operations are often done on both groups, curves with too high embedding degrees are avoided.

In group theory what is a group generator?

In abstract algebra, a generating set of a group Gis a subset S such that every element of G can be expressed as the product of finitely many elements of S and their inverses.More generally, if S is a subset of a group G, then , the subgroup generated by S, is the smallest subgroup of G containing every element of S, meaning the intersection over all subgroups containing the elements of S; equivalently, is the subgroup of all elements of G that can be expressed as the finite product of elements in S and their inverses.If G = , then we say S generatesG; and the elements in S are called generators or group generators. If S is the empty set, then is the trivial group {e}, since we consider the empty product to be the identity.When there is only a single element x in S, is usually written as . In this case, is the cyclic subgroup of the powers of x, a cyclic group, and we say this group is generated by x. Equivalent to saying an element x generates a group is saying that it has order |G|, or that equals the entire group G.My source is linked below.

Is the number of asteroids over 0.5 miles?

It is a finite number.It is a finite number.It is a finite number.It is a finite number.

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What is finite and infinite cyclic group?

Normally, a cyclic group is defined as a set of numbers generated by repeated use of an operator on a single element which is called the generator and is denoted by g.If the operation is multiplicative then the elements are g0, g1, g2, ...Such a group may be finite or infinite. If for some integer k, gk = g0 then the cyclic group is finite, of order k. If there is no such k, then it is infinite - and is isomorphic to Z(integers) with the operation being addition.

Every finite group is isomorphic to a permutation group?

yes form cayleys theorem . every group is isomorphic to groups of permutation and finite groups are not an exception.

How do we prove that a finite group G of order p prime is cyclic using Lagrange?

Lagrange theorem states that the order of any subgroup of a group G must divide order of the group G. If order p of the group G is prime the only divisors are 1 and p, therefore the only subgroups of G are {e} and G itself. Take any a not equal e. Then the set of all integer powers of a is by definition a cyclic subgroup of G, but the only subgroup of G with more then 1 element is G itself, therefore G is cyclic. QED.

Is every finite abelian group is cyclic?

No, for instance the Klein group is finite and abelian but not cyclic. Even more groups can be found having this chariacteristic for instance Z9 x Z9 is abelian but not cyclic

How do you find the order a factor group?

Let G be a finite group and H be a normal subgroup. G/H is the set of all co-sets of H forming a group known as factor group. By Lagrange's theorem the number of cosests (denoted by (G:H)) of H under G is |G|/|H|.

What has the author Thomas Stephen Wilde written?

Thomas Stephen Wilde has written: 'Cohomology and the subgroup structure of a finite soluble group'

What is an embedding degree?

In the context of Algebraic Geometry and Cryptography, the embedding degree is a value associated with an algebraic curve, more precisely with a cyclic subgroup of the abelian group associated with the curve.Given an elliptic curve (or an hyperelliptic curve), we can consider its associated abelian group - in the case of an elliptic curve corresponds to the set of points - and a cyclic subgroup G, typically its largest.Using pairings (more notably, the Tate pairing or Weil pairing), we can map G to a subgroup of a finite field.More precisely, if the curve was defined over a finite field of size q, G is mapped to a subgroup of a finite field of size qk for some integer k. The smallest such integer k is called the embedding degree.Moreover, if G has size n it satisfies n | qk - 1 (n divides qk - 1).In Cryptography, the embedding degree most notably appears in security constraints for Elliptic Curve Cryptography and in the more recent area of Pairing Based Cryptography. Pairings allow us to "map" problems over elliptic curves to problems over finite fields and vice-versa with the security and efficiency issues of each side.For example, given the known attacks for the Discrete Logarithm Problem over elliptic curves and over finite fields, in Elliptic Curve Cryptography curves with a very small embedding degree (lower than 6, say) are usually avoided. On the other hand, because in Pairing Based Cryptography operations are often done on both groups, curves with too high embedding degrees are avoided.

In group theory what is a group generator?

In abstract algebra, a generating set of a group Gis a subset S such that every element of G can be expressed as the product of finitely many elements of S and their inverses.More generally, if S is a subset of a group G, then , the subgroup generated by S, is the smallest subgroup of G containing every element of S, meaning the intersection over all subgroups containing the elements of S; equivalently, is the subgroup of all elements of G that can be expressed as the finite product of elements in S and their inverses.If G = , then we say S generatesG; and the elements in S are called generators or group generators. If S is the empty set, then is the trivial group {e}, since we consider the empty product to be the identity.When there is only a single element x in S, is usually written as . In this case, is the cyclic subgroup of the powers of x, a cyclic group, and we say this group is generated by x. Equivalent to saying an element x generates a group is saying that it has order |G|, or that equals the entire group G.My source is linked below.

What has the author V Elchuri written?

V Elchuri has written: 'Finite element forced vibration analysis of rotating cyclic structures' -- subject- s -: Coriolis force, NASTRAN

Will The finite population correction factor lead to a wider confidence interval?

No since it is used to reduce the variance of an estimate in the case that the population is finite and we use a simple random sample.

In contrast to labor which factor is a scarce factor of productin?

Land is, by nature, finite. However, I believe that entrepreneurship is probably the most scarce of the four factors.

What is the difference between listing the factors of a number and lising the multiples of a number?

The factor list will be finite, the multiple list will be infinite.