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Q: Life today is better than 20 years ago?
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Does the life before is better than the life today?

today's life is better than before as new inventions are done there are new technology and discovery

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Is life today better than it was 100 years ago?

life have become easier ,and more simple it really is better then 100 tears ago but still,people prefer the old days ,besides everyone's different!

What has changed since the olden days to now?

today's life is better than olden days

When was Better Than Today created?

Better Than Today was created on 2010-12-03.

Is life better than the war?

Life is better than death.Peace is better than war.

Are structures like pyramids easier to build today than they were thousands of years ago?

Yes. One reason is because our material is better than years ago.

Are human bodies better today than they were 100 years ago?

That is debatable, we are living longer but not necessarily healthier.

Why is earthquake technology better today than it was 75 years ago?

Advancements in technology have allowed for the development of more sensitive seismic sensors, improved data analysis techniques, and real-time monitoring systems. These developments enable scientists to better understand earthquake behavior, improve warning systems, and assess potential impact more accurately than was possible 75 years ago.

How old is the book I am better than you?

It was first published in 1973. It would be 36 years old today (2009).

Do you agree or disagree than things are better today than years ago?

I agree with you that things that we have know were better than long time ago because today we have computers and long time ago we didn't and if we didn't have computers know I wouldn't be answering this question.

How many pages does Better Than Life have?

Better Than Life has 224 pages.