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Q: Lifestyles are identified by a convergence of personality product and setting true or false?
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Is a process by which several technologies with distinct function evolve to form a single product?

Technologicaly convergence

What is a product. What is Product Personality and its components?

A product is a physical good that is marketed usually for a profit. A product's personality is it's usability, performance, appearance, and benefits.

An example of technology convergence is?

Technology convergence is the creation of a product that combines one technology with another. A simple example would be a digital camera that also shoots video.

Why do serial numbers exist on every item people buy?

Serial numbers exist on every item that is marketed in order for the product to be identified. By having a serial number on a product the product can be easily identified if there is a recall on the product. In short, it is good for quality control.

How is a exothermic reaction identified?

it gives heat off as a product

What is manufacture branding?

owned by the manufacturer and they are identified with the product

Which corporation produces One A Day multivitamins?

One A Day Multivitamins are produced by the Bayer corporation. One A Day is a product family of multivitamins that have their own specific product for many types of lifestyles.

Is direct cost and variable cost could be easily identified with a product?

yes direct as well as variable costs can be identified with products easily as with change in production level these costs also changed.

Can you send cigars to New Zealand?

Yes, but if identified as a tobacco product, expect to pay $611/kg in duty.

How does a product develop into a brand and what is advantage of creating a brand?

A product is developed into a brand by giving the product a certain personality that consumers can use to identify it. Creating a brand allows the product to be associated with certain traits. It also makes the product easy to remember for the consumer.

How is an exothermic reaction identified?

An exothermic reaction is identified by a release of heat, often resulting in a temperature increase in the surrounding environment. Other indicators include the production of light or sound, and a rise in temperature of the reacting substances.

What is the XDA acronym and it's technology?

The "X" represents convergence of voice and information/data within one product; the "da" stands for "digital assistant", as in PDAXtended Design ArchitectureeXtensible Distributed Architecture