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Q: Lines drawn on maps joining places of equal rainfall are called?
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What are lines joining places having same amount of rainfall called?


How are isohytes drawn on the map?

Isohytes are lines drawn on maps joining places of equal rainfall.

What are lines on a map connecting places having equal rainfall called?

Lines on a map connecting places with equal rainfall are called isohyets. These lines help depict variations in rainfall across different regions.

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What are the lines joining places of same elevation called?

The lines joining places of the same elevation are called contour lines. These lines are used in topographic maps to represent the shape and elevation of the land surface.

Isobars are lines ona map joining places that have the same?

Isobars are lines on a map joining places that have the same atmospheric pressure.

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What are lines joining places on the map that have the same temperature?


What are lines on a map joining places of equal altitude?

Lines on a map joining places of equal altitude are called contour lines. These lines help depict the shape of the land surface by connecting points of the same elevation. Contour lines are useful for understanding the topography of an area and are commonly found on maps used for hiking, planning construction projects, or conducting geological surveys.

What are lines on a weather map joining places that have the same air pressure?

Those lines are "isobars."

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