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Perpendicular Lines

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Q: Lines that intersect to form right angles of 90 degrees?
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Which term describes lines that intersect at 90 degrees angles?

Perpendicular lines that that intersect at 90 degrees are right angles.

What kind of lines intersect from right angles?

They are perpendicular lines that meet at right angles which is 90 degrees.

Perpendicular lines intersect at an angle of 45 degrees?

False because they intersect at right angles.

What is the rule for perpindicular lines?

Perpendicular lines intersect at right angles which is 90 degrees

What is true about perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines meet(Intersect) at 90 degrees.

What lines are intersecting lines that form right angles when they intersect?

Perpendicular lines form right angles when they intersect.

Are right angles the same as parallel?

No, right angles are the same as perpendicular. A right angle means that 2 lines intersect at 90 degrees which makes them perpendicular. Two lines that are parallel do not intersect at all.

What are lines that intersect right angles called?

Lines that intersect right angles (ninety-degree angles) are described as perpendicular.

Lines that intersect to form right angles are called?

Perpendicular lines intersect to form right angles

What is the if-then form for perpendicular lines intersect at right angles?

If two lines intersect at right angles then they are perpendicular!

What do you call the line that intersect and form square corners?

They are perpendicular lines that intersect at right angles or 90 degrees

What is true about perduncular lines?

Perpendicular lines intersect each other at right angles which is 90 degrees