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Q: List 50 things made up of metals which you use in your daily life.?
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What things dissolve in daily life?

Many things can dissolve in daily life, such as sugar in water, salt in water, coffee in hot water, and soap in water. Other examples include medication in liquid form, detergent in water for cleaning, and ink in solvents for printing.

What was the daily life for the Romans?

They did alot of things.

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they would build things

How often should a 12 year old relax?

I think a child's life should be simple, they should not have very many chores of jobs. Children should have hours of free time a day. Make a daily list for your child of things he or she needs to do, and when they have finished the things on the list then let them play.

Why we need to question about things in our daily life?

Answer If we don't question certain things in our daily life, for sure we will miss out on things that could make us better people. It never hurts to question yourself as to why you did something be it good or bad.

How important is geometry in your daily life?

if no geometry in our life, we can't do the other things if we dont have geometry.

What are some things about king tut's daily life?

He went swimming

What is iron used for in daily life?

iron is used for building things! : )

What are the effects of using science in your daily life?

WHich discipline are you referring to? Science in your daily life includes almost everything around you:electricityautomobilesplanestrainsvaccuum cleanersair conditionersfurnacesCD Playerscomputersmedicationstelephonesmedical equipmentthe list is endless

List four stimuli you respond to in you daily life?

Sight Sound Temperature Hunger/Thirst

What are 5 things water is used for daily life process?

Five things water is used for in daily life are:Watering plants,Drinking water,Animals' drinking water,Bathing,Cleaning dishes and households.