Engineering, architecture, product design, all these areas use angles daily.
Advanced maths like calculus, trigonometry etc can be used to find areas of irregular objects. Simple math is use extensively in daily life like statistics.
applications of mathematics in ECE
daily life use in geomatry
you use math in everyday of your life !
we use discrete mathematics in industry and business
Engineering, architecture, product design, all these areas use angles daily.
Pure Mathematics is the branch of mathematics that deals only with mathematics and how it works - it is the HOW of mathematics. It is abstracted from the real world and provides the "tool box" of mathematics; it includes things like calculus. Applied mathematics is the branch of mathematics which applies the techniques of Pure Mathematics to the real world - it is the WHERE of mathematics; it includes things like mechanics. Pure Mathematics teaches you HOW to integrate, Applied mathematics teaches you WHERE to use integration.
Advanced maths like calculus, trigonometry etc can be used to find areas of irregular objects. Simple math is use extensively in daily life like statistics.
Pure gold hasn't any daily use.
applications of mathematics in ECE
Most likely Probability as well as pure mathematics
angles in our daily life
daily life use in geomatry
Engineering, pure Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Rocketry.
you use math in everyday of your life !
a story of maths on topic use of maths in our daily life