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Q: What are Write three pairs of prime numbers such that sum of each pair is also a prime number?
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Which number pairs have the gcf of 1?

Co-prime numbers

When you write a number as a product of prime numbers?

A number as a product of prime numbers would be "x".

How many twin prime numbers between 0 and 1000?

There are 35 pairs of twin prime numbers totaling 69 numbers (prime number 5 appears twice in the twin pairs) between 0 and 1000.

What are all the pairs of prime numbers that are consecutive numbers?

The numbers 2 and 3 are consecutive prime numbers. Are there other pairs of prime numbers which are consecutive numbers?

What two number pairs whose least common factor is the product of the number?

Any pair of prime or relatively prime numbers.

How many prime number pairs are there?

A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. There are an infinite amount of prime numbers.

Is there a point which a prime numbers factor pairs reverse order?

A prime number, P, has only two factor pairs: (1, P) and (P, 1).

What are the two largest relative prime numbers?

Relatively prime numbers are numbers which share no common factors. This means the numbers are both the product of an entirely different set of prime numbers. There is no limit to the number of prime numbers. Thus there is no limit to the number of relatively prime pairs. Therefore there cannot be two "largest" relative primes.

What are two prime numbers less than 20 who's sum is also a prime number?

(2,3) and (2,5) are the two pairs such that the sum of their elements is a prime number.

Write an algorithm to check whether a number is a prime number or not?

You can write out this algorithm. This will then be programmed into the device to make determining prime numbers easier.

Are there any pairs of prime numbers that when multiplied do not make their least common multiple?

The product of all pairs of prime numbers is always the least common multiple of the two prime numbers.

What to write when describing the properties of prime numbers?

Numbers divisible by 1 & number itself are called prime numbers. These numbers also have the property to be odd numbers.