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Q: List two possible reasons for reporting but inaccurate measurements?
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Why is it important to have correct measurements for the length of a board on a building project?

It is important to have the correct measurements for the length of a board on a building project for many reasons. One reason it to make the building look square and have all the lines straight. Also, if boards are not cut to proper length, the building may not be as structurally sound as it should be.

What is an advantage of secondary sources over primary sources?

Secondary sources are better because your not learning the truth you have some story behind it and possible reasons that came to be.

Why were Roman numerals so important to ancient Rome?

For the same reasons that numbers are so important to us today as follows:- weights, measurements, stock control, accountancy, censuses, navigation, civil engineering, battle plans, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication .... etc

What are the reasons for limiting the size of a field in a database?

A reason to limit the amount of data any field contains can vary greatly, but common reason is to standardise the data. One of the principle behind databases is to create collections of data that can be organized into standard format to make it easier to create information for reporting or analysis.

What is the probability of toxic shock syndrome?

Data on Toxic Shock Syndrome warps probability. As TSS is associated with tampons, which make a lot of money for big companies who sell the most dangerous types of tampons, manufacturers misrepresent TSS statistics - CDC statistics are often quoted but these are grossly inaccurate for a number of reasons. It's estimated that 1 in 700 women will contract TSS at some point in their lives.

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Some possible reasons for discrepancies in measurements could be human error in recording or taking the measurements, variations in technique or tools used, differences in interpretation of where the measurement should be taken, or discrepancies in calibration of measuring instruments.

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your mom has reasons?

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Freedom of the press is a fundamental democratic value that protects the right of news organizations to report information without fear of retribution, even if mistakes are made. Penalizing news companies for reporting inaccurate news could have a chilling effect on investigative journalism and lead to censorship or self-censorship, limiting the public's access to diverse perspectives and information.

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two possible reasons are its hot and the mountain might be to high

Identify three reasons why post-attack reports of NO damage or contamination are just as important as reporting observed damaged or contamination?

negative reporting facilitates identity of safe areas negative reporting facilitates mission continuance in safe areas without IPE encumbrances negative reporting facilitates reduced MOPP level recommendations

Identify 3 reasons why post attack reports of no damage or contamination are just as important as reporting observed damage or contamination?

negative reporting facilitates identity of safe areas negative reporting facilitates mission continuance in safe areas without IPE encumbrances negative reporting facilitates reduced MOPP level recommendations

Identify three reasons why post-attack reports of no damage or contamination are just as important as reporting observed damage of contamination?

a. negative reporting facilitates reduced mopp level recommendations. b. negative reporting facilitates mission continuance in safe areas without ipe encumbrances. c. negative reporting facilitates identity of safe areas.

What are the some possible reasons for any differences between the measured and theoretical values?

Possible reasons for differences between measured and theoretical values include experimental errors, uncertainties in measurements, limitations of the theoretical model used, incomplete data, and external factors affecting the system being studied. Additionally, human error, equipment malfunctions, and environmental conditions can also contribute to discrepancies between measured and theoretical values.

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Possible reasons for actual yield being lower than predicted include: incomplete reactions due to impurities or side reactions, loss of product during isolation or purification processes, and human error in measurements or calculations.