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I stayed for as long as I did cause for the most part we did have a good relationship or so I thought. And the sex was fantastic ! I did see red flags but chose to ignore them and believed him when things would get better. He had a lot of legal and financial issues due to his divorce. In the long run, it all got to be too much and I broke it off. He reeled his way back in my life,and we got back together and he dumped me 3 weeks later and is now with a fat, ugly woman, using her for money. I took it so hard and could not eat or sleep for weeks. But it's not about YOU, it's about him. The more I read about his disorder, the better I feel. Feel sorry for these people....they are miserable. I am glad I am out but I do still miss him deeply but he is poison.I thoght i hit the lack-pot, HAwell, for me I thought I had hit the jack-pot, he was gooding looking, well to me he was, most of my friends would disagree, but he was smart, came from money, and I thought he truly cared about me. I felt he was the best I could ever do, but the truth was he was only out for himself. he lied, never had a job in his life his family is well off and they support him;his cars, house, cell-phone, however myself, I am a black poor woman with two kids, two great kids I might add, so when this well to-do white man said he love me well, it made me feel good about myself, for awhile, until his true natural came out, and he dumped me in Tops, parking lot, just lefted me standing there crying. he took up with another poor- black woman who lives right next door to my mother's house, the very next day, so I have to see his car parked out front every time a go see my mother, when I told him how seeing his car parked out front, knowing he is right next door with another woman, he LAUGHED, it was hard as hell, but I'm geeting though it with time, and understanding, and so will you, because it's not you, or me it's them.
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Q: Looking back on a relationship with a narcissist what one thing might have compelled you to stay as long as you did?
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oh, please don't fall for it,the way i did. and i tell you from experience, all the narcissist wants is ATTENTION, so he she wants you to beg for forgiveness, then he/she is gonna play hard to get, i don't consider it to be a healthy relationship to be giving all that attention a narcissist wants, because soon, whether you realize it or not he/she is only gonna want you for himself,oh and to actually answer your question, yes, i think that that was the last time you might have herd of him/her, because narcissist have a lot of pride and they are not gonna just let it go,but don't feel bad and get on with your life......luck:)

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You didn't specify signs of what you were looking for, but there are so many issues going on in your brief question that I recommend that you try a professional. You may be in such an emotional mess right now that you can't afford to rely on amateurs.