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She was saving up her pennies to buy a washing machine for the babies diapers

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Q: Lou Ann been saving up to buy with her pennies?
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In the book the bean trees what did Lou ann give the kids for Halloween?

In the book "The Bean Trees", Lou Ann gave the kids Halloween candy and homemade popcorn balls for Halloween.

When was Ann-Lou Jørgensen born?

Ann-Lou Jørgensen was born on 1977-06-12.

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There is no Hebrew name for Lou Ann, but you can spell it phonetically as לו אן

When was Lou Ann Barton born?

Lou Ann Barton was born on February 17, 1954, in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

Who is Lou Ann's mother in the bean trees?

Lou Ann's mother is named Missy. She is mentioned briefly in the book "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver. Lou Ann talks about her mother leaving their family when she was young and how it affected her upbringing.

What has the author Lou Ann Smith written?

Lou Ann Smith has written: 'BE DECISIVE! A Six Step Formula For Making Your Best Decisions EVERY TIME'

How old is Lou Ann Ruiz in The Bean Trees?

In "The Bean Trees", Taylor refers to Lou Ann as "older than her". Since Taylor is roughly 23 years old, and Lou Ann is of reproductive age, she is likely in her mid/late 20's or early 30's.

What is the birth name of Ann Sheridan?

Ann Sheridan's birth name is Sheridan, Clara Lou.

Why does Lou Ann Find Granny Logan And Ivy Logan so irritating?

While Lou Ann is happy that her mother and Granny have come to visit (especially after her husband's abandoning her and the birth of her little boy), Granny especially gets on her nerves during the visit from Kentucky. Granny is a stereotypical stubborn, older woman who wants things her way. She doesn't like the climate and complains about that; she doesn't like the culture which differs from Kentucky's and complains about that, and she certainly does not approve of Lou Ann's "lifestyle." In contrast, while Lou Ann's mother is not as negative as Granny, she wears on Lou Ann because Lou Ann is caught between her mom and her grandmother. She feels like a referee in their relationship and simply does not have the time or energy to play such a role.

What are some things you can Compare and contrast from Lou Ann and Taylor asmotherwoman and as individual in the bean trees?

Lou Ann and Taylor can be compared as both being strong maternal figures who take care of others in "The Bean Trees." However, they differ in their approach to motherhood - Lou Ann is more traditional and nurturing, while Taylor is more independent and unconventional. As individuals, Lou Ann is more cautious and anxious, while Taylor is more adventurous and resilient.

Why does Lou ann find granny and her mother so irritating?

Lou Ann finds Granny and her mother irritating because they are both nosy and judgmental. They constantly criticize her choices and decisions, making her feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Lou Ann also feels suffocated by their expectations and feels like she can never live up to their standards.

When and where did baseball player Lou Schiappacasse die?

Lou Schiappacasse died September 20, 1910, in Ann Arbor, MI, USA.