It depends when it was made, if it has all original parts, if it was ever restored, and if it was beat up.
$75 to $400 US depending on the condition.
M1 is one of several measures of the supply of money in an economy. It is the sum of all notes and coins in circulation in the country, the total value of all checking accounts, demand deposits and accounts with "negotiable order of withdrawal".
It is m1/5
They range from $400 to $800 depending on arsenal make, condition, and the matching number of serialzed parts. An excellent condition, completely original, all correct parts, US made M1 carbine would fetch for about $950 or more. A standard CMP grade one, with mismatched parts, good solid condition, and has been rearsenaled and rebuilt atleast twice in its lifetime, will be around $430.
Are you referring to the M1 Garand, or the M1 carbine? A Garand can go anywhere from $500 to over $1000, all things dependent. An M1 carbine, generally, you'd be looking in the $400 - $700 range.
$200 - $600, give or take.
you stole them........ value depends of make & condition. $400-$650
$100, I would say.
$75 to $400 US depending on the condition.
$400-$900 depending on condition and originality.
Plainfield carbines were a civilian version of the miltary carbine. Value is low, about $200.
It should if it fits on other kinds of M1 Carbines.
.30 Carbine