Monthly rent per square foot is total monthly rent divided by the square footage Monthly Rent Per Square Foot x 12 to Calculate Annual Rent Home Loan EMI Calculator by Dwarkaexpresswayhomes. Easy to understand online Housing Loan EMI Calculator that helps calculate the EMI required to pay for your dream home. Know EMIs here!
Monthly rent is price per square foot x square feet. Monthly rent = 11.76 x 4000 Monthly rent = 47040 47,040
(13000 square feet) * ($6 per square foot) = $78000 Whether this is month or per year depends on how the price was quoted (you didn't specify).
Its 15 dollars per month :)
There are 12 months in a year. So 55000 per year is the same as 55000 per 12 months. That is 55000/12 per month 4583.33 per month.
Depending on area. Mall rental rates range from $25.00 SF - $50.00SF. Strip mall rental rates avg $7.00 - $35.00 I was looking, and a strip mall on a busy street in an average sized town it will be around $10 SFY
Malls only make rent money. Huge stores such as JcPenny, Sears, GameStop etc. pay the owner of the Mall to rent a room so they can set up their store. It depends on the location, how big the mall is, and the demand for room. If there's too many rooms, rent falls. If there's not enough rooms, rent goes up. It could be around 500-30,000 dollars per room or more. I know the owner of a mall near me and his mall makes about 150-200 thousand a month.
3500 per month.
In America it was $5 per month in rent.
Her rent accounts to 27% of her 740 income per month.
He spends 25% of his income on rent.
It is: 25%
Square footage is the base for rent for store space in many shopping malls. Some stores may have a premium per square foot base on location.
The average rent of an apartment is more than $850.00 per month, what is the alternative hypothesis?
Only about 25 percent of your total income should be spent on rent. An income of $30,000 should spend no more than $2500 per month on rent.