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this sounds like a homework question, sorry, everyone has to do their own thing!

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Lex Szombathy

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fck you.

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Q: Marcia need 50 cm of braid to trim a wall hanging how many hangings can she trim with 3 meters of braid?
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A braid was bought to put around a blanket that measures 23 inches by 24 inches how much was paid for the braid at 060 per yard?

23 in x 24 in = 552 in/36 in = 15.333 yd. x .60 per yard = $9.20 36inch = 1 yd

A braid was bought to put around a blanket that measures 23 inches by 24 inches how much was paid for the braid at 60 cents per yard?

Assuming that the braid was attached to the very edge, all the way around, you get:(23 inches x 2) + (24 inches x 2) = 94 inches94 inches / 36 inches/yard = 2.69 yard@60 cents per yard, multiply:2.69 yards x 60 cents/yard = 161 cents = $1.61

How can you emphasise the seam lines of a garment?

To emphasize seam lines, you can flatten the seam flaps inside the garment and then sew them down on both sides of the seam on the outside of the fabric in contrasting colored thread. Another idea is to add a contrasting trim to the seams of the garment, like rick-rack, braid, or sequins.

What scriptures in the Bible tell you how you should dress?

; Women may not wear men's clothing or vice versa -- it's an "abomination unto the Lord." : "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." -- Deuteronomy 22:5 ; Women may not braid their hair, wear gold, pearls, or expensive clothing. : "Women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." -- 1 Timothy 2:9 : "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel." -- 1 Peter 3:3 ; Don't wear garments with wool and linen blended together. : "Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together." -- Deuteronomy 22:11 ; Priests must wear linen, not wool, and may not wear any garment that makes them sweat. : "But the priests ... shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them. They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat." -- Ezekiel 44:15-18 In other words... everyone is going to hell. Does this mean women can't wear pants? Why would God try and tell you what to wear, then make it very available to you to dress "wrongly"? Why does he care how we dress.. I thought he just wanted to be worshipped?

Related questions

What are all the different kinds of braids you can get?

you can have a fishtail braid, a french braid, a english ( normal) braid, a swiss braid , invisible braids, a dutch braid, a crown braid, a flower braid, a tree braid, african braids, and an Averson braid.

How many different types of braid hair styels are there?

I'm not sure, but I have a list...Fishtail braid, French braid, Dutch braid, and the waterfall braid.

What type of braid does Katniss wear?

it was either a touch braid or a french braid. most likely a touch braid

How do you braid duct tape?

get three pieces of duct tape, fold each in half hot dog style (so they're long not short), then get a small piece of duct tape and tape the other three pieces to a table so that they're hanging off of it. Now braid!

How do you learn to braid leather similar to the service offered by Iron Braid?

well you simply braid the leather strips like its a braid.

What is a braid technician?

It's a "fancy" term for anyone that can braid and is LICENSED to braid hair.

What is the birth name of Les Braid?

Les Braid's birth name is William Leslie Braid.

How do you braid a dog's hair?

you can only braid a dog's hair if it is lond but sometimes you can braid it short

What is a hippie braid?

it is a braid hippies wear

Can you braid side hairs?

Yes you can it is actually bery easy. just braid it the normal braid but to the side

How did Katniss take a shower and still keep her braid in place?

She simply leaves her braid in, or redoes her braid.

How can you Dutch braid hair?

You can watch how to do a dutch braid by typing in how to dutch braid hair on video jug.