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You need more information to solve this: how many hours is his regular work time (to calculate the number of hours that are overtime), and how much he gets paid for overtime work.

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Q: Marcus makes 12 per hour He worked 11 hours on Wednesday How much would he make with overtime for Wednesday?
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Related questions

What formula to compute overtime?

Overtime = Hours Worked - Contracted Hours.

Can you use overtime hours to make 40 hours in a week?

"Overtime" is usually defined as hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week.

How do you calculate overtime?

To calculate overtime, you multiply 1.5% times your hourly wage. When you get that, you multiply that times your overtime hours worked.

Theresa worked 9 hours on monday and 7 hours on Wednesday her total pay was116.00 what is her rate per hour?

To solve this we must first assume that her rate of pay was constant through both of these days. (If she worked any overtime, than she might make more money during her overtime hours. If this is the case, there is not sufficient information to solve this problem.The next step is to calculate how many hours she worked in total. 9 + 7 = 16 hours.Then, we divide the amount of money earned by the number of hours worked. $116 / 16 = $7.25 per hour.

How do you calculate the actual labor rate when the standard rate is give?

Multiply the standard rate by the number of hours worked. If they worked overtime you may have to mutiply the rate by 25% or 50% - depending on the contract - f or the hours worked overtime.

Employees worked 200 regular hours and 50 hours over time what percentage of hours for the week work overtime?

Based upon the given hours, there must be 5 employees.Total hours worked = 200 + 50 = 250 hours%overtime hours = [ ( 50 ) / ( 250 ) ] [ 100 ] = 20 %

When an employee uses fmla can employer deny employee overtime pay?

Yes an employer can deny giving you overtime hours but if you have already worked overtime then it is not okay for an employer to deny paying overtime once the hours have already been earned.

If working overtime a worker is paid by?

A worker is paid by how many hours or how long the worker worked overtime. It depends on the company too.

What is overtime?

The official definition of the word overtime is "time in addition to what is normal, as time worked beyond one's scheduled working hours."

What do you call the work done over time?

Work that "exceeds the usual hours worked" is simply called "overtime". An employee can have "overtime hours" that warrant "overtime pay". However, in some jobs, the hourly rate of pay applies to both usual number of hours worked and to "overtime". For example, if a dishwasher earns 7.00 per hour and has exceeded the usual number of hours he typically works, he will still only get 7.00 per hour for the extra hours.

Does holiday hours and overtime hours worked be displayed on a pay stub?

Absolutely. If they're not shown, you need to find out why not.

How do you calculate overtime pay on excel?

To calculate overtime pay in Excel, follow these steps: Organize Your Data: Create a spreadsheet with columns for employee names, regular hours worked, regular hourly rate, overtime rate, overtime hours worked, and overtime pay. 2. Input Employee Data: Fill in the columns with appropriate data for each employee, or just yourself if you are calculating your own overtime pay. For example, if you work 40 regular hours a week at $20 per hour, enter these figures in the respective columns. 3. Calculate Regular Weekly Pay: Add a column titled "Regular Weekly Pay." Multiply the regular hours worked by the regular hourly rate to calculate the regular weekly pay for each employee. 4. Determine Overtime Rate: Decide the overtime compensation rate (typically time and a half or double time). For time and a half, use 1.5 times the regular rate. 5. Calculate Overtime Pay: Add a column for "Overtime Pay." Multiply the regular hourly rate by the overtime rate (e.g., 1.5) to get the overtime pay rate per hour. Then, multiply this rate by the number of overtime hours worked. 6. Calculate Total Weekly Overtime Pay: Add a column titled "Total Weekly Overtime Pay." Multiply the overtime hours worked by the overtime pay to get the total overtime pay for the week. 7. Calculate Total Weekly Pay: Add a final column for "Total Weekly Pay." Add the regular pay and overtime pay together to get the total weekly pay for each employee. 8. Ensure Accuracy: Double-check your formulas and data entry for any errors.