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1,944 = 1296 x 1.5

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Q: Math problem help Find the sum of the infinite geometric series if it exists 1296 plus 432 plus 144 plus?
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How can you tell if a infinite geometric series has a sum or not?

The geometric series is, itself, a sum of a geometric progression. The sum of an infinite geometric sequence exists if the common ratio has an absolute value which is less than 1, and not if it is 1 or greater.

What is the sum of an infinite geometric series is?

It depends on the series.

What is the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series?

your face thermlscghe eugbcrubah

Math problem help find the sum of the infinite geometric series if it exists 80 plus 40 plus 20?

160... I think. The series is 80+40+20+10+5+2.5+............ (Given the series is infinite it never ends but it gets pretty close to 160) = 159.99999999... ad infinitum [For future reference... series like this are basically equal to 2*the highest value e.g. 2*80=160]

What is the sum of the infinite geometric series?

The sum of the series a + ar + ar2 + ... is a/(1 - r) for |r| < 1

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Eight. (8)

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Condition for an infinite geometric series with common ratio to be convergent?

The absolute value of the common ratio is less than 1.

What has the author Frederick H Young written?

Frederick H. Young has written: 'Summation of divergent infinite series by arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means' -- subject(s): Infinite Series 'The nature of mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics

What does summation of infinite series?

The summation of a geometric series to infinity is equal to a/1-rwhere a is equal to the first term and r is equal to the common difference between the terms.

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"Infinite Regress: a philosophical kind of argument purporting to show that a thesis is defective because it generates an infinite series when either no such series exists or, were it to exist, the thesis would lack the role( I.E of justification) that it is supposed to play. The Philosophers way. Chapter 5: How can we know the nature of reality? Philosophers foundations- page 214

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It's a geometric progression with the initial term 1/2 and common ratio 1/2. The infinite sum of the series is 1.