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Q: What is the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series?
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What is the sum of an infinite geometric series is?

It depends on the series.

How can you tell if a infinite geometric series has a sum or not?

The geometric series is, itself, a sum of a geometric progression. The sum of an infinite geometric sequence exists if the common ratio has an absolute value which is less than 1, and not if it is 1 or greater.

What is the sum of the infinite geometric series?

The sum of the series a + ar + ar2 + ... is a/(1 - r) for |r| < 1

Determine the sum of the infinite geometric series -27 plus 9 plus -3 plus 1?


If the sum of an infinite geometric series is 12 and the common ratio is one third then term 1 is what?

Eight. (8)

What is the assembly program to generate a geometric series and compute its sum The inputs are the base root and the length of the series The outputs are the series elements and their sum?

What is the assembly program to generate a geometric series and compute its sum The inputs are the base root and the length of the series The outputs are the series elements and their sum?

What is the pattern for a half a quarter and an eighth?

It's a geometric progression with the initial term 1/2 and common ratio 1/2. The infinite sum of the series is 1.

Math problem help Find the sum of the infinite geometric series if it exists 1296 plus 432 plus 144 plus?

1,944 = 1296 x 1.5

A geometric progression has a common ratio -1/2 and the sum of its first 3 terms is 18. Find the sum to infinity?

The sum to infinity of a geometric series is given by the formula Sāˆž=a1/(1-r), where a1 is the first term in the series and r is found by dividing any term by the term immediately before it.

What is the proof of a finite geometric sum?

Your question is ill-posed. Is there a particular formula (e.g., \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a r^i = a(1-r^n)/(1-r)) that you're trying to prove? If so, this page may be some help:

Does all the numbers have to repeat in order to be a rational number?

For a number to be rational you need to be able to write it as a fraction. To answer your question, it must repeat as a decimal or else terminate which can be thought of as repeating zeroes. Further, every repeating decimal can be written as a fraction and you can find the fraction by using the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series.

What is the formula to find the sum of a geometric sequence?

The formula to find the sum of a geometric sequence is adding a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ar4. The sum, to n terms, is given byS(n) = a*(1 - r^n)/(1 - r) or, equivalently, a*(r^n - 1)/(r - 1)