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Q: Meatals can be hammered into different shapes because they are ductile?
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Can metal be hammered into thin sheets because it is ductile?


Can be hammered into different shape?

yes, as metals are malleable and ductile in nature

How is malleable different from ductile?

In practice, things that are one are frequently the other also, but technically, "ductile" means that it can be drawn into wires, and "malleable" means that it can be hammered into thin sheets.

How do you describe a material that changes shape when it is hammered?


A metal can be hammered into thin sheets because it is?


What does this mean gold is ductile?

Gold is ductile, as it can be hammered into very thin sheets, and be used to guild and decorate, etc.

What is silicons ductility?

Silicon is not ductile; it is a brittle material. This means that it is not able to be drawn out into wires or hammered into thin sheets like ductile materials such as copper or gold.

What is malleability ductility?

Malleability is how malleable an object is, for example a metal is malleable as it can be hammered or bent into different shapes without breaking. Ductility is how ductile an object is, again many metals are ductile as they can be drawn or pulled into a long strand of wire without breaking.

Why is Uranium ductile?

Uranium is ductile because it has a face-centered cubic crystal structure, which allows its atoms to easily slide past one another without breaking bonds. This property gives uranium the ability to be stretched into thin wires or hammered into thin sheets without fracturing.

Are malleable and ductile the same thing?

No, malleability and ductility are not the same. Malleability refers to the ability of a material to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets, while ductility refers to the ability of a material to be stretched or drawn into a wire.

What is a ductile fracture?

Capable of being hammered out thin, as certain metals; malleable. Can be made into wires.

The ability of a metal to be drawn out into thin wires is a?

The ability of a metal to be drawn out into thin wires is called ductility. Metals that are ductile can be hammered or stretched into different shapes without breaking.