The mixed number 1 5/6 is a recurring fraction when written as a decimal. It can be written as 1.83333333.
6 divided by 5 as a mixed number is 1 1/5
It is 1 1/5.
It is 1 1/5.
1 5/6
1 and 1/5
That is 6 and 1/5
1 and 1/5
1 5/611/6:= 11÷6= 1 remainder 5= 1 5/6
1 5/6
1 5/6
6 and 1/5
Note that 6/5 is simplified to 1 1/5. Then, 3 6/5 = 3 + 6/5 = 3 + 1 1/5 = 4 1/5