5/6 cannot be an improper fraction. You need a mixed number to reveal an improper fraction. 5/6 is just a regular fraction.
To write 6.6 as a mixed fraction, you first need to separate the whole number part and the decimal part. The whole number part is 6, and the decimal part is 0.6. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, you can write it as 6/10. Simplifying this fraction gives you 3/5. Therefore, 6.6 as a mixed fraction is 6 3/5.
9.6 written as a mixed fraction is 9 and 6/10, or 9 and 3/5 in simplest form.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math vibes here. So, 120 divided by 6 is 20, right? So, that's like 20 whole ones, which is the same as saying 20 as a mixed fraction. So, 120 over 6 as a mixed fraction is just 20. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
It is a rational fraction in its simplest form. It may be a proper fraction or an improper (or mixed) fraction. For example, 5/6 or 6/5 ( or 1 1/5).
5/6 cannot be an improper fraction. You need a mixed number to reveal an improper fraction. 5/6 is just a regular fraction.
As mixed number the improper fraction of 23/6 is 3 and 5/6
31/6 = 5 and 1/6
31/5 is an improper fraction and is 6 and 1/5 as a mixed number
33/6 is already a fraction but as a mixed number it is 5 and 1/2 which is 5.5 as a decimal
The mixed number 6 and 5/6 is equivalent to 41/6 as an improper fraction.
9 6/5 = 51/5 (as an improper fraction) = 10 1/5 (as a mixed number).
5/6 is a fraction.
Improper fraction is 23/6 and mixed number is 3 5/6
1 and 1/6