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Q: Multiple Boolean expressions can be combined by using a logical operator to create what kind of expressions?
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The definition of a boolean operator?

what is boolean operator

What is the difference between bit wise operator and logic operator?

The logic operator provides boolean results of combinations of other boolean expression, some of which might be relational expressions. For example... bool result = (a < 3) && (b > 4); The bitwise operator provides the same kind of boolean logic, AND, OR, and NOT, but it does it to the correspondingly ranks bits in one or two integers. For example ... int result = (a & 0xff) | (!b);

What is the Boolean operator that is appropriate to use?

Boolean is a type, not an operator and can have the value of either TRUE or FALSE

Difference between relational and logical operators?

Logical operators don't Compare values they combine Boolean values and produce a Boolean result. Examples of logical operators are && (and), , (or), ! (not). If you have two Boolean values and you combined them with the && operator the result will be (TRUE) only if both values were (TRUE). Relational operators compare two values and produce a Boolean result. Most of the time we use logical operators to combine the results of two or more comparison expressions that use relational operators.

What logical operator is used to reverse the boolean operator?


What is Boolean operator in c language?

A Boolean operator is any operator that returns true or false. False is typically denoted by the integer value 0 while all non-zero values equate to true. The less-than operator (<) is an example of a Boolean operator.

Why demorganization is used in boolean expression?

demorganization is used to reduce the Boolean expressions

In evaluating a logical expression of type Boolean expression1 Boolean expression2 Both the Boolean expressions are not always evaluated True False?

FALSE.... cuz in && operator the compiler chk both of the expression if any of the expression is false then answer will be false.. for true result both of d expression must be true... by warrior2pnk

Is an example of a Boolean operator?

BUT (apex)

What is a variation of the AND NOT Boolean operator?

A variation of the AND NOT Boolean operator is the "NOR" operator, which returns true only if both operands are false.

Major c plus plus feature that were removed from java?

Several features that they either made unsafe programs or hard-to-read programs were removed. Some of the features removed include operator overloading; pointers; implicit conversions between numeric and boolean; multiple inheritance.Several features that they either made unsafe programs or hard-to-read programs were removed. Some of the features removed include operator overloading; pointers; implicit conversions between numeric and boolean; multiple inheritance.Several features that they either made unsafe programs or hard-to-read programs were removed. Some of the features removed include operator overloading; pointers; implicit conversions between numeric and boolean; multiple inheritance.Several features that they either made unsafe programs or hard-to-read programs were removed. Some of the features removed include operator overloading; pointers; implicit conversions between numeric and boolean; multiple inheritance.

What java operator reverses the truth or falsity of a condition?

The ! (boolean invert) operator returns the opposite of a boolean's current value: if(!(7 5," and the statement produces this output: not equal