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That question is impossible to answer without know what limitations, if any, the jaw replacement imposes on the security guard's ability to perform the necessary duties of the occupation. To give a general answer, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires US employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled employees. A reasonable accommodation might be rembursing a sales person for taking cabs to sales calls, instead of paying them mileage for driving their car (if a disability prevented them from driving.) Paying for a chauffered limo would probably not be a reasonable accommodation. Another example: Installing a $100 grab bar in the bathroom for a mobility-challenged employee would probably be a reasonable accommodation. Installing a $100,000 elevator would not. Figure out what your limitations are, and what you need your employer to do, for you to be able to continue to work. Then approach them and begin a dialogue about it.

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Q: Must a security officer who has just had his jaw replaced find another line of work?
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Training in law and security is an asset. Security officers must be in good shape and have great reflexes, and an eye for mischief. Know what you're talking about, and know the laws if you want to be a security officer.

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To qualify for a job as a security officer, one must first go for a training, at the end you will sit for an exam. If you pass it, you will then be issued with a license. You will also need to have a criminal background check carried out on you.

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It is a known fact that every professional needs training, education and certification before they can legally practice their profession. The same holds true for security officers. Before a security officer can work as a security guard, he or she must have undergone security officer training. Security guards are responsible for the safety of both people and properties. It is important that they are well-trained so that they know what to do in any given situation.

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It must be REPLACED with another 1.

In the UK can you apply for a shotgun certificate before having a gun cabinet?

Yes, you may apply. Copy and paste from the published regulations-Applicants who satisfy our enquiries will normally be visited at home by a police officer. The Officer will discuss the application and proposed security arrangements. This officer will report to the Chief Officer of Police after his visit and if your application is approved, the certificate will be granted. If your security was installed and the officer inspected it on his visit, the certificate can be posted to you. If your security has notbeen installed, your certificate will be hand delivered by a Police Officer who will hand you your certificate once he is satisfied your security has been installed correctly.Regardless of the reason for issue, you must install your own security. We will not issue your certificate unless you have installed security at your home address

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Becoming a security officer not only requires physical fitness, intellect, and a commanding personality, you must also know what to do in various situations. Due to these requierments, the best place to study would be at a police acadamy.

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They must be replaced.They must be replaced.

Securing a Security Job?

When you are searching for a job that suits you, it might be a good idea for you to consider a security job. A security professional is someone whose job it is to protect a place, certain assets or people. Security work can cover many different positions, and a security professional might find themselves working for a certain person or hired to patrol a certain location. What does it take to to get a good security job? In the first place, most private organizations hire their security officers through a service. It is typically the services who set the guidelines for their professionals. Some of the qualifications are very basic. A candidate must be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma or a GED, and they must be qualified to work in the area. They need to have had valid employment before, and they must be able to behave in a professional manner. Most security companies disqualify people with felony convictions that are related to their business. There are also various exams, many administered privately by the company, that the candidate must pass. Some companies require that the security officer be certified to carry and use a firearm, while other companies do not have this requirement. What kind of person makes a good security officer? In the first place, a security officer must be someone who communicates well, both in writing and verbally. Good communication can quell many issues before they become serious problems, and good communication is also necessary to reconstruct events in a clear fashion. A security officer must remain calm at all times and be willing to step forward to take ownership of a problem. Depending on the position, he or she must also be reasonably fit. One of the important things to remember is that security work varies across the board. What is incredibly important at one company is less important at another one. Before you consider security work, think about what you are willing to do, and what you are not willing to do. Be clear when stating your preferences and find a company that suits your needs.

What must happen before the release of any official info to the public?

The public affairs staff must coordinate with the Operational Security (OPSEC) Officer for an OPSEC review prior to any release of official information to the public.

Can a catalytic converter be burned out or must it be replaced?

Legally a defective catalytic converter must be replaced.

Do security uniforms have to say security on them?

In California, any security guard/officer working for a Private Patrol Operator must wear a patch on both arms with the words "Private Security" and the companies name. The lines are still blurry when it comes to in house security, as CA BSIS has just recently required all in house security, including bouncers and LP agents to pass a guard card class.