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Q: Must an arc whose endpoints are on the edge of the Poincare Disk be a line in hyperbolic geometry?
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In hyperbolic geometry an arc whose endpoint are on the edge of the poincare disk must be a line?


An arc whose endpoints are on the edge of the Poincaré Disk must be a line in hyperbolic geometry?


Lines on a hyperbolic plane are considered to be?

Hyperbolic geometry is a beautiful example of non-Euclidean geometry. One feature of Euclidean geometry is the parallel postulate. This says that give a line and a point not on that line, there is exactly one line going through the point which is parallel to the line. (That is to say, that does NOT intersect the line) This does not hold in the hyperbolic plane where we can have many lines through a point parallel to a line. But then we must wonder, what do lines look like in the hyperbolic plane? Lines in the hyperbolic plane will either appear as lines perpendicular to the edge of the half-plane or as circles whose centers lie on the edge of the half-plane

A line segment whose endpoints are the vertex of the triangle and midpoint of the opposite?

In geometry, a median of a triangle is a line segment joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposing side.

An arc whose endpoints form the endpoints of a diameter of a circle?


An arc whose endpoints are the endpoints of a diameter of the circle?

Semicircle. <3

Do all diameters pass through the center of a circle?

Yes. In geometry, a diameter of a Circleis any straight Line_segmentthat passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints are on the circle.

What is an arc of a circle whose endpoints are endpoints of the diameter of the circle called?

It is a semicircular arc.

Arc whose endpoints are on a diameter?


A segment whose endpoints are bothe on a circle?

A chord.

What is a segment whose endpoints are points on a cirlce?

A chord.

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