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Q: An arc whose endpoints form the endpoints of a diameter of a circle?
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A diameter of a circle has endpoints P(-10-2) and Q(46) a.)find the center of the circle b.)find the radius. if your answer is not an integer express it in radical form c.)write an eqaution for the ci?

Endpoints of diameter: (-10, -2) and (4, 6)Midpoint which is the center of the circle: (-3, 2)Radius of the circle: square root of 65Equation of the circle: (x+3)^2 +(y-2)^2 = 65

Why is the diameter the longest chord?

A chord is a straight line from one point on a circle's circumference to another. Because the largest straight line distance in a circle is the diameter and the diameter is also a chord, the diameter is the longest chord. Join the endpoints of a given chord to the center of the circle to form an isosceles triangle. The triangle inequality then tells that the length of the chord is less than two radii of the circle, i.e., less than the diameter. See related links.

An angle with its vertex and endpoints on the circle?

If the vertex is at the centre of the circle then this forms a sector of the circle.If the two endpoints and the vertex form an angle in a segment, then the vertex can be at any point on the circle within the same segment and all angles so formed are equal.

What is pi in an explanatory form not the number form?

pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and it's diameter. If you take the circumference of any circle, and divide it by that same circle's diameter, the resulting number will be pi.

What is the first step when inscribing a square quadrilateral triangle or a hexagon in a circle?

The first step when inscribing a square quadrilateral triangle or a hexagon in a circle is to connect the endpoints of the diameters to form a square.

find the area of a circle with diameter 18m answers should be in pie form?


What is the equation of the circle standard form?

Area of a circle = pi*radius squared Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is a radius circle?

If you mean "what is the radius of a circle", then the answer is the line segment or length from the center of circle to the set of points that form the circle. The radius is also half of the diameter.

What is a circle in GEOMETRY?

It is a "circle". π=3.1415 (Pi) The radius of a circle = the distance form the center to the edge going in a straight line. The Diameter of a circle = radius x 2 The Area of a circle = radius2 x π The Circumference of a circle = diameter x π (or 2 × π × radius)

The diameter of a circle can be divided into the circumference how many times?

The diameter of a circle can be divided into the circumference of a circle pi times. The number pi is about 3.14 in decimal form. Because pi is an irrational number, it cannot be written as a fraction of integers or as a terminal or repeating decimal. The circumference of a circle is said to be pi times the diameter, so by dividing the diameter into the circumference, we would get pi as a quotient.

What is 76 inches in diameters?

A diameter is not a form of measurement. It is the distance across a circle. That question is impossible to answer.

What is the full form of pi?

The term pi refers to the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. The actual value is a transcendental number, that is, a number whose decimal value "keeps going to infinity" and does not repeat. As such, pi has no "full form" unless we choose to just write the symbol, which means "exactly the number" which is the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. That's as "full" as we can make it. In other words, pi does have an exact value, but that value can not be expressed numerically.