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10 hours at $12.00/hour

40 hours at $8.00/hours

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Q: N of the 50 hours John worked this week was paid 12.00 per hour He was paid 8.00 per hour for the other hours he worked He made 200.00 less during these N hours than he made during the other hours?
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If you have two jobs. One job pays 7 per hour and the other pays 8.25 per hour. You worked 22 hours total last week and earned 171.50. How many hours did you work at each job?

You can create simultaneous equations : 2 equations that when solved will give your answer Need to calculate 7a + 8.25b = 171.50 ( this calculates the pay) and a + b = 22 (the amount of hours worked ) a is the amount of hours worked at the 1st job, b the amount of hours worked in the 2nd job so: 7a + 8.25b = 171.50 (formula 1) a + b =22 (formula 2) SO multiply formula 2 by 7 to give 7a + 7b = 154 (call this formula3) Now if you take away formula 3 from formula 1 you get 1.25b = 17.50 so b = 17.50 /1.25 = 14 hours therefore going back to formula 2 : a + 14 = 22 , therefore a is 8 hours So in the 2nd job the person worked 14 hours and therefore in the 1st job the person worked 8 hours (= 22-14).

How many hours is 2 km?

if you are not moving it is ∞ hours. If on the other hand you are moving with ∞ Km/h then that would be 0 hours.

How to find a milkman sold two of his buffaloes for Rs 20000 each on one he made a gain of 5 percent and on the other a loss of 10 percent find his overall gain or loss?

Loss of 1269.84!

What is the name of the founder of prime numbers?

The great scientist from india who worked hard in his work and worked for his country noun other than haribha is the founder of prime numbers since 300 bc

How many hours does murcery have in a day?

Mercury, has 24 hours in a day, the same as the earth and all the other planets in the Universe.

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What hours do welders have?

Welders usually have the same hours as most other industrial workers . The job / contract/ company will determine what hours are worked.

Did Jonas salk work with other scientists?

yes he worked with rachel phillips. she was also a scientist during this time who worked with vaccines.

How many hours are there during solstices?

There are 24 hours during solstices, just like every other day of the year.

What did polish people work as during the gilded age?

Presumably much the same they worked as in any other age, simply with greater success than during other times in their history.

If two people worked the same job and one worked more hours then the other but both get the same pay what is this called?

either this is a salary job, that regardless of the hours worked the salary is based on a annual amount of money or salary. OR one worker is a woman and the one who work less hours is a man. Women make 70 cents versus $1.00 for the same work that a man works.

What is 20000 mg equal to?

20000 mg can equal any number of other values. Unless you specify the value you would like it converted to, we'd just be guessing.

Who did Galileo work with?

Galileo Galilei worked alone, which was common during his time. He did correspond with other scientists, such as Kepler.

How many other judges listened to the claims of the dead?

20000 other judges listened

If you have two jobs. One job pays 7 per hour and the other pays 8.25 per hour. You worked 22 hours total last week and earned 171.50. How many hours did you work at each job?

You can create simultaneous equations : 2 equations that when solved will give your answer Need to calculate 7a + 8.25b = 171.50 ( this calculates the pay) and a + b = 22 (the amount of hours worked ) a is the amount of hours worked at the 1st job, b the amount of hours worked in the 2nd job so: 7a + 8.25b = 171.50 (formula 1) a + b =22 (formula 2) SO multiply formula 2 by 7 to give 7a + 7b = 154 (call this formula3) Now if you take away formula 3 from formula 1 you get 1.25b = 17.50 so b = 17.50 /1.25 = 14 hours therefore going back to formula 2 : a + 14 = 22 , therefore a is 8 hours So in the 2nd job the person worked 14 hours and therefore in the 1st job the person worked 8 hours (= 22-14).

Why did public education suffered during reconstruction?

Children were put into child labor in which they worked in the harsh conditions of factories for long hours to provide for their families. They were not able to got to school and sometimes were locked in the factories so they would have no other option except work.

What was the light source 20000 years ago?

The primary light source 20000 years ago was fire, generated by burning wood, animal fat, or other combustible materials. People used fire for warmth, cooking, protection, and light during the night.

How did the poor people live their daily life in Ancient Rome?

They worked long hard hours in the field and the houses. The women cleaned and prepaired meals. The men worked in the field and had some controle of other members of the household.