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Q: Name a type of stairs that changes direction by turning two turns of 90 degrees?
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What is the maximum angle for stairs?

42 degrees

Can you change direction of main stairs?

Yes, the direction of main stairs can typically be changed by redesigning the layout and structure of the staircase in your home. This may involve removing the existing stairs and building a new staircase in a different direction or location. It is recommended to consult with a professional contractor or architect to ensure proper planning and structural integrity.

Why is going downstairs negative work?

As you walk down the stairs, you apply a force to keep yourself from falling down the stairs. The force is in the upward direction, but your movement is in the downward direction. If the force is in the opposite direction of motion, work done by the force is negative. Gravitational force, because it pulls down, does positive work.

How should you set your thermostat in a 2 story house?

Your up stairs t-stat should be 2 degrees cooler than down stairs ,due to heat rise.

How do you calculate the radius of curved stairs given a rise and run?

There are many components to a winding staircase.First know that your inside and outside radius will rise at different angles because your run changes(pie shaped treads)If you need some direction I will need some more info.

When plotting coordinates on a graph which direction do you move first?

across Good way to remember it, along the corridor then up the stairs.

Is climbing stairs an example of work?

Yes, climbing stairs is considered an example of work in a physics context. Work is done when a force is applied to move an object over a distance in the direction of the force. In this case, you are exerting a force to move your body against the force of gravity while climbing stairs.

Why do stairs only creak at night?

Through the day, the heat will expand, or retract the wood in the stairs. At nightfall, the stairs cool off, and will find their original position, which will snap and creak every now and then. A lot of sounds around the house, are due to temperature changes. Wooden floors, roofing, etc. I hope I helped

Why its easier to go down the stairs than to go up?

It is easier to go down stairs because you are moving in the same direction as gravity, which assists in your movement. When going up stairs, you are going against gravity, which requires more effort. Additionally, the design of stairs typically favors descending with larger, more stable steps, while ascending usually involves smaller steps that require more energy.

Is it bad to have mirror in front of stairs?

Having a mirror in front of stairs is not considered bad, but it can create an optical illusion and make the space seem larger or disorienting. It may also have a feng shui impact depending on the placement and direction of the stairs. It's mostly a matter of personal preference and how it fits with the overall design of the space.

Is a fleet of stairs correct?

NO. Use "flight of stairs"

Outside Stairs?

form_title= Outside Stairs form_header= Install outside stairs to get to your home. Will you be installing the stairs yourself?*= () Yes () No What color do you want the stairs?*= _ [50] Do you want to stain the stairs?*= () Yes () No