It depends on what you are trying to do. For most people using decimals is easier because it allows them to visualize the number better than a fraction. For example, if you needed to order them from least to greatest, it may be easier to see them in decimal form rather than fractions. However, fractions are usually more accurate because some decimals need to be rounded off. For example, the fraction 1/7 is more accurate than the decimal form .142857142857..... because the numbers 142857 continue on infinitely.
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none, teachers just like them because they're harder
Decimals until you get to values with over nine decimal places, then fractions are more exact
7 * 9 = 63 1 * 6 = 6 Fractions - 7 over 9 . 7_9 Fractions - 1 over 6 . 1_6 Decimals - 7.09 Decimals - 1.06
Answerdivide or over or out of; virgule if it's the / symbol and vinculum if it's a horizontal bar (also used in repeating decimals)
Change them into fractions over 10 or 100 and then order them
none, teachers just like them because they're harder
Decimals until you get to values with over nine decimal places, then fractions are more exact
50 in decimals is simply 50.00 or in fractions, it is fifty over one.
7 * 9 = 63 1 * 6 = 6 Fractions - 7 over 9 . 7_9 Fractions - 1 over 6 . 1_6 Decimals - 7.09 Decimals - 1.06
Answerdivide or over or out of; virgule if it's the / symbol and vinculum if it's a horizontal bar (also used in repeating decimals)
Change them into fractions over 10 or 100 and then order them
In decimals approximately 0.88888888889 In fractions 8/9
No because integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions
No because integers are whole numbers that do not include fractions or decimals
8/12 = 0.666 (repeating decimal)
If you leave it in fractions, it would be 5/6. In decimals, it would be .83333 repeating.
lets take 50 over 100 as an example. if properly converted, they are of equal value. the decimal is 0.5