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the pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, and the arctic.

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Q: Name the four oceans in order of size largest to smallest?
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Name the earths oceans from largest to smallest?

The Earth's oceans from largest to smallest are the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean.

Name the five oceans of the earth according to size largest to smallest?

Arctic, the Southern, the Indian, the Atlantic, and the Pacific.

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largest to smallest

Name the four oceans of the earth according to size smallest to largest?

In order of smaller to largest, the four oceans of the Earth are the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a fifth ocean was recently named called the Southern Ocean. It extends north from Antarctica and is the fourth largest ocean, with the Arctic Ocean being pushed down to fifth.

Name the four oceans of the earth according to largest to smallest?

pacific ocean atlantic ocean indian ocean southern ocean arctic ocean

Name englands citys largest to smallest?

London is the largest and Ely the smallest.

Name the Largest and Smallest states in the US?

Largest - Alaska Smallest - Rhode Island

What is the name of a value that falls in the middle position when the dta is arranged in order from smallest to largest?

That is called the median.

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Jupiter is the largest planet and the smallest is pluto .

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The largest continent is Asia, while the smallest continent is Australia.

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Here are the names of string instruments in order from smallest to largest: Violin Viola Cello Double bass Copy this link and watch it on youtube this ai will help you Answer all of your question watch this on youtube Just put youtube.c0m /shorts/tjFDicSVBd4?si=y4BO7cX3no1i3GP1

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