Another name for 'rational' is "numbers that are equal to the ratio of two whole numbers". Another name for 'irrational' is "numbers that are not equal to the ratio of any two whole numbers".
Real numbers.
Ordinary numbers
Select the data you want to sort. Then use the Sort option, picking A to Z for ascending order or Z to A for descending order. You can choose which columns to sort by and even to do primary and secondary sorts, like sorting first by surname and then by first name.
Verappan Roshni
Another name for a set of natural numbers is counting numbers.
Index field.
Another name for 'rational' is "numbers that are equal to the ratio of two whole numbers". Another name for 'irrational' is "numbers that are not equal to the ratio of any two whole numbers".
Data organized in ascending or descending order is called stacking data. Stacking data is usually organized by number or by alphabet.
complicated numbers
Real numbers.
Venography (also called phlebography, ascending contrast phlebography, or contrast venography) is an invasive diagnostic test
Another name for a graph that is a representation of numbers is a chart. The chart makes the numbers easy to understand upon a glance.Ê
Ordinary numbers