check digit
There is no THE 80 digit number - there are 9*1079 of them and each one of them has a differen name just as 11 and 12, both 2-digit numbers, have different names.
The name of a two-digit number that has eight letters is "ninety-nine." This number is spelled out as "N-I-N-E-T-Y-H-I-N-E" which consists of eight letters.
The name "24-digit number" is just fine.The name "24-digit number" is just fine.The name "24-digit number" is just fine.The name "24-digit number" is just fine.
What is 36 single digit number
We generally refer to them by the number of digits. Two-digit number, three-digit number, etc.
Just that - a 26-digit number. There is no special name for that.
check digit
two- digit modifier
It is called a twelve-digit number. Its exact name will depend on the number.
symbol of number= #
'Number' or 'digit'.
There is no THE 80 digit number - there are 9*1079 of them and each one of them has a differen name just as 11 and 12, both 2-digit numbers, have different names.