A 24-digit number is called a septillion, as it consists of 24 individual numerical digits. In the context of computing, a 24-digit number can also be referred to as a "double precision" floating-point number, typically used to represent very large or very small values with high precision. In mathematics, a 24-digit number can be used to express extremely large quantities or precise measurements.
Calling it "17-digit number" is just fine.
A truipia
Well, isn't that a happy little question! A 14-digit number is often called a "14-digit number." It's like a little math friend just waiting to be counted and admired on your canvas of numbers. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents.
i think that it is one hundred million.
A 1000-digit number is called a "millidigit" number. The prefix "milli-" denotes one thousandth, so a millidigit number is a number consisting of 1000 digits. In the realm of mathematics, such large numbers are often encountered in fields like cryptography, number theory, and computer science.
12 and 24
It is called a 28-digit number!
It is called a twelve-digit number. Its exact name will depend on the number.
A 22 digit number is called a quintillion.
Calling it "17-digit number" is just fine.
I suggest you just call it that - a "35-digit number".
I would just call it a "400-digit number".
The value of a digit in a number is called its place value.
24 x 99 = 2376