The cross section of a cuboid box, bt a plane at an angle to all of its sides will be a point, triangle or quadrilateral - depending on it location. The cross section by a plane perpendicular to an axis of the box will be a rectangle.
If it's just the front surface of a box then it's simply a 2D shape, the area can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width. Answer will be in units squared.
because the friction involved in the box sliding down has overcome the pull of gravity.
The front surface of a box is a rectangle. If you only need the area of the front surface, then it doesn't even matter what it's part of. Multiply the width of the surface by its height. The answer is its area.
The name normally given is the front elevation.
The black box is an emergency locator on an airplane. It records important information in the event that a plane crashes or becomes incapacitated. The black box is located toward the front of the plane where it can record the information on a plane.
In the plane?
Solenoid pack
Nowhere to land
The Stanley No. 56 was a six inches Core Box Plane. It was manufactured from 1909 until 1923 and was made of cast iron and rosewood handle.
yes but you will have to put her in a cat box on the plane with you
Lawrence Hargraves flew the first box plane.
The Color of the Black Box on an Airplane is Orange!
The black box in a plane is bright orange.
the black box is in the tail of all public planes