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Q: Does it take the same amount of force to move a heavy box and a light box up the same inclined plane?
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Does it take the same amount of force to move a heavy box and light box up the same inclined plane?


Does gravity have more force in dark or light?

The amount of light doesn't effect the force of gravity.

Which would take less force to move a heavy object or a light weight object?

When you include the effects of friction, it takes less force to move a light-weight object. If you can get the objects into a frictionless environment, then any force, no matter how small, can move any object, no matter how heavy.

Why does it take more force to move a heavy box then a light box?

It takes more force to move a heavy box because the heavier box has more mass, which means it has more inertia. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion, so it requires a greater force to overcome this resistance and move the heavy box compared to the light box.

Why does a heavy object travel further than a light object with same force?

A heavy object travels further than a light object when acted upon by the same force because it has more inertia and requires more force to stop it. This means the heavy object will maintain its momentum and cover a longer distance before coming to a stop, compared to the lighter object.

What is faster a heavy toy car or a light toy car?

Generally, a light toy car is expected to be faster than a heavy toy car. The lighter weight reduces friction and allows for quicker acceleration. However, other factors like the design, wheels, and propulsion mechanism can also influence the speed of the toy cars.

What is weight how does it feel and how do you feel it?

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. It can feel heavy or light depending on the amount of force exerted due to gravity on an object. You feel weight through the sensation of pressure or resistance on your body when you are supporting or carrying an object.

What is atomic power?

It is the release of the binding force (strong force) by combining light elements OR splitting heavy elements. (Iron is the "ash"; least binding force per nucleon.)

What are the difference between light and heavy sleeping bag?

The difference in a light and heavy sleeping bag is the amount of warmth you will feel. A light sleeping bag would be good use in the summer time, while a heavy sleeping bag would be good to use when it starts to get a little cooler at night.

If a light object and a heavy object collide which has a greater impact force?

The heavy object will have a greater impact force because its mass is larger, resulting in a greater resistance to changes in motion. The impact force is directly proportional to the mass of an object and the acceleration it experiences during a collision.

What is the independent variable in science?

amount of light amount of water amount of force amount of heat etc.the variable that changes and the one that the dependent variable depends on to change

Why is more force needed to change the motion of a heavy and fast moving object compared to a light weight and slow moving obect?

More force is needed to change the motion of a heavy and fast-moving object because of its momentum, which is the product of its mass and velocity. The momentum of an object indicates the amount of force required to change its motion, so heavier objects with higher velocities require more force to change their direction or speed compared to lighter objects moving at slower speeds.