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Find its volume (the shape is a cylinder) and multiply by the density of copper.

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Q: Need to convert 50 sq mm copper one Mt rod into kg?
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Related questions

What is copper rod?

it is a rod made of copper

When you heat a copper rod does it increases its mass?

Heating a copper rod does not change its mass. However, the density of the copper rod may change slightly due to thermal expansion, which can cause the dimensions of the rod to increase.

Why copper rod is covered with insulating material in Searle's apparatus?

The copper rod in Searle's apparatus is covered with insulating material to prevent heat transfer between the rod and the surrounding environment. This helps to maintain a constant temperature along the length of the rod, allowing for accurate measurements of thermal conductivity.

The blacksmith won't give me the copper fishing rod on harvest moon ds?

Before you can get a copper fishing rod are you sure you have followed this checklist?1. I Own enough copper to give to the black smith for the Copper fishing rod?2. I have enough experience with my fishing rod that it can be upgraded to copper?3. Do I have enough gold to get my fishing rod upgraded?4. Do I own a fishing rod?If those 4 are ALL complete you should be able to get your fishing rod upgraded.

How do you get silver fishing rod harvest moon tree of tranquility?

First, you need a fishing rod. Then you go to the general store and upgrade to a iron fishing rod. After that, you can then upgrade to a copper one, and finally you can get silver. The blacksmith doesnt work for me, I go to the general store. HOPEE THIS HELPSSS!!!

Why cant you buy the gold fishing rod in tree of tranquility?

Before you can get the gold fishing rod you have to get the silver fishing rod and before you get the silver fishing rod you have to get the copper fishing rod. To get the copper fishing rod you upgrade your regular fishing rod at the general store.

If you rub a copper rod rather than a polythene rod the copper rod will not stay charged why not?

Copper is a good conductor of electricity, so when it is rubbed, any charge accumulated on its surface quickly redistributes throughout the rod and dissipates. This rapid conduction of charge prevents the copper rod from retaining a net charge like a polythene rod, which is an insulator and can hold onto excess charge more effectively.

Can electricity pass through copper rod?

Yes, electricity can pass through a copper rod as copper is a good conductor of electricity due to its high conductivity properties. The electrons in a copper rod are able to move freely, allowing electricity to flow through it easily.

Is a copper rod metal?

copper is a metal but it is a non ferrous metal

Why copper rod cannot be charged?

Copper is a good conductor, so it allows charges to flow freely through it. When you try to charge a copper rod, the charges will quickly distribute themselves evenly along the rod due to its high conductivity, making it difficult to build up and maintain a net charge on the rod.

What happens when copper rod is immersed in silver nitrate solution?

When a copper rod is immersed in a silver nitrate solution, a redox reaction occurs where copper displaces silver from the solution to form copper nitrate and silver metal. This is due to copper being higher in the reactivity series than silver. As a result, the copper rod will become coated with a layer of silver metal while copper ions from the rod will transfer into the solution.

How can you electroplate an iron nail with a copper rod?

To electroplate an iron nail with a copper rod, set up an electrolytic cell with the iron nail as the cathode and the copper rod as the anode. Place them in a copper sulfate solution and pass a current through the cell. This will cause copper ions to be reduced at the iron nail, resulting in copper plating on the surface of the nail.