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  • Emits only water vapour, assuming there is no leakage of hydrogen gas
  • It can store up to 3x as much energy as conventional natural gas.


  • Leakage of H gas (see above) will have detrimental impacts on the stratosphere (California Institute of Technology)
  • Production of hydrogen gas currently relies on natural gas and electrolysis and to replace all the vehicles would require 10x as much as currently is used
  • Storage is really tough because hydrogen is such a low density gas
  • Distribution and infrastructure needs to be refurbished to cope with hydrogen, which can metals by making them brittle
  • Use in fuel cells requires catalysts, which usually require a component metal (most often platinum). Platinum is extremely rare, expensive and environmentally unsound to produce.
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Q: Negatives and positives facts about Hydrogen fuel?
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Water is the benefit of a hydrogen fuel cell ;)

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In the meaning of helping people, yes coal offers plenty of positive things. Also many negative things. Positives: - It can be used as an energy source - It is an abundant fossil fuel - It can be used for many different things, oil etc. Negatives: - It isn't a clean burning fossil fuel - When its burnt it releases bukus amounts of Co2 Thanks -xQ

Is Hydrogen Fuel Cells supposed to be capitalized?

No. Hydrogen fuel cell is not a title. You would only capitalize hydrogen if it was at the beginning of a sentence, as I did with this one. Otherwise, you would say 'hydrogen fuel cell'.

Is hydrogen fuel cells fossil fuels?

no because hydrogen fuel cells are renewable

What are some facts about hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Hydrogen is used in various industries, such as in the production of ammonia, refining petroleum, and in hydrogen fuel cells for clean energy.

What are some usages for hydrogen?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel.

Are all hydrogen cars with fuel cell or they are some hydrogen cars without fuel cell?

There are no commercially available hydrogen fueled cars.

Why is hydrogen the perfect fuel?

In many ways, hydrogen is the perfect fuel. It is the cleanest burning and the most efficient. :)

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel in carsbecause it don't cause any pollution

Why hydrogen considered as a good fuel?

Hydrogen has the highest calorific value, which should make it good fuel

Fossil Fuel Positives?

Well, it gives us energy for light, our fans, aircons- basicly electricity.