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Q: Nine multiply one over nine equals?
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Sixty-nine over seventy two equals?

Sixty-nine over seventy-two equals 69/72 equals 0.95833.

A over nine equals -4?

One over nine is not equal to negative four. 1/9 is equivalent to 0.11111.

What has the higher value nine over seven or nine percent?

9 over 7 is greater because it equals whole and more.

A over four plus nine equals five?

That is written as A/(4+9) = 5. The first step would be to multiply both sides by the denominator, which is 13 (when you add four plus nine). You will then come up with A=65, which is the final answer.

What is 1 over three plus one over nine?

It equals 4 over 9. 4/9

What is eleven over nine in decimal form?

Since our numerical system is based upon 10 digits, every number divided by nine wil cause an infinite loop of numbers one over nine is 0.1111111... two over nine is 0.22222222... since eighth over nine is 0.888888888... nine over nine is 0.99999999... but nine over nine is 1 so in your case eleven over nine will cause a infinite loop of 1.222222222222222222... Point is an accurate decimal form of eleven over nine or any other digits over nine is impossible.

What is the answer to two over three plus four over six?

it equals six over nine or two over three

What is reciprocal of seven over nine?

It is nine over seven.

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Seven over 20 plus three over nine equals?

7/20 + 3/9 = 41/60

How can you use 4 9's to make 100?

It is simple. 99 + 9/9 = 100!!!