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There is only 1 month that has JUST 28 days (February), but every month has at least 28 days. The answer is twelve.

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Q: Number of months that have 28 days?
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1000 days equals how many months?

The number of days in a month vary from 28 to 31.1,000 days is approximatly 33 months.

How many days in 28 months?

28 months = 852.2 days.

How many months would 88 days be on earth?

march 4th <><><><><> Since the number of days in a month varies from 28 to 31, the number of months in 88 days is only approximate - it is about 3 months.

Do some months have 28 days?

All months have at least 28 days

What is the smallest number of days in two months?

the two shortest months are 28 days (Feb) and any 30 day month.

Number of days in seven months?

The number of days that are in seven months will vary, depending upon which seven months you are referring to. Some months have 30 days while others have 31; February has 28 or 29 days depending upon whether or not it is a leap year.

If there are 7 months that have 31 days in them and 11 months that have 30 days in them how many months have 28 days in them?

All 12 months have "at least" 28 days. Only February has exactly 28 days, except in leap year.

How many moths have 28 days?

They all do because its saying how many months have 28 days not what months only have 28 days

How many months does have 28 days?

All twelve of them in the Western calendar have 28 days - though some have more. Some countries / religions used lunar or other calendars in which months may have a different number of days.

Why do some months have 28 days and some have 31?

ALL months have 28 days! Should have said "Why does February have 28 days and some have 31?".

How many months with 28 days?

All twelve months have at least 28 days, February has exactly 28 days except for leap years.

How many months is 296 days?

There are about 9.7 months in 296 days, using an average month of 30.4 days. This is about 9 average months and 22 or 23 days. The actual period will vary with the months involved, because the number of days is not fixed, and can be from 28 to 31 days.