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Q: Numbers stored and transmitted inside a computer in binary or ascii?
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Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in?

binary form by SaravanaUltimate

How are binary and hexadecimal numbers used with computers?

Inside the computer everything operates with the notion of on or off. With this in mind, the use of binary is really self-explanatory as it consists of only 1s and 0s. Hexadecimal, like octal, works very well also as they're both based on powers of 2 (8 and 16) it's easy to use these as forms of shorthand for binary.

Why do digital computers use binary numbers for their operation?

Digital computers use binary numbers because that is easier for them, and the easiest way for humans to represent what goes on inside of computers. Computers contain millions of transistors inside the various ICs in the computer. Transistors can generally be on or off. Sure, it is possible for transistors to have a range, but then, in this case, it wouldn't be digital. So since the transistors are used as on-off switches, it is easiest to represent them as binary digits, since they can either be on or off.

Why all digital devices use binary number system?

The binary number system inside the electronics of a computer is generally represented by a high or a low voltage, a charged or uncharged capacitor, or sometimes even a switch that is on or off. That these electronics are generally in either one or the other state, the binary system is the simplest.

What is the relationship between electronic signals inside a computer and binary digits?

Electronic signals are represented in binary as 1's and 0's. A 1 is representative of an electric charge being active and a 0 is representataive of an electric charge being absent.

What are two states inside a computer?

A computer works in binary. That means the two states a computer can be in are 0 and 1. This can be interpreted as true and false, on and off, etc. There's also solids, and gases. Also, if you have a liquid cooling system there might be liquids too.

Why computer understsnd binari language?

The earliest computers consisted or rows of switches that were either on or off - Binary language uses just two digits - 1 and 0 to represend everything that the computer does. This is basically what a a binary language is. The figure 1 relates to a 'true' condition (ie the switch is on) and the 0 relates to a 'false' condition (the switch is off) Every function of a computer - from the most complex calculation to the simplest game is broken down inside the computers processors to binary code.

What is the advantage of having the binary number system to represent data inside the computer instead of the decimal number system?

They use the binary sysem because the number 1 means the switch is turned on and the number 0 means the switch is off. There is no way to use the decimal number system.

How do transistors represent binary data?

they can't

What do use binary for?

Computers make use of them, so you'll use them a lot in computer science. For instance, everything inside a computer can be represented by two numbers: 0 or 1 - or a positive charge or negative charge. These can be referred to in binary: 2^0 = 1 bit 2^1 = 2 bit 2^2 = 4 bit etc. They also have a few applications of logarithms of base 2, which is often useful because each successive power of 2 is double that of the last number (2^1 = (2^2)/2)

What influenced the use of binary number system as the basis of computer language?

It makes the computer circuits much simpler. It is fairly simple to have circuit elements that can have two different states, and to do operations (like addition or multiplication) on those states.

The 1s and 0s that a computer works with are referred to as?

Computers don't actually work with 1s and 0s; they are simply human-readable notations for the binary representations that a computer actually works with. We refer to them as binary digits or simply bits. Inside a computer, bits are represented in a variety of ways, including high or low voltage within a capacitor, positively or negatively charged particles upon a magnetic disk or tape, long and short scores burned into an optical disk. Anything that can switch between two possible states and maintain that state (temporarily or permanently) can be used to encode binary information. We use 1s and 0s because it is the most convenient notation for binary arithmetic and logic operations, precisely mimicking the operations within the machine. We also use other notations that are more concise, including hexadecimal notation (where each hex digit represents 4 binary digits) and octal (where each octal digit represents 3 binary digits). The computer doesn't understand these notations any more than it knows the difference between a 1 and 0, but we can program it to convert all of these human notations into binary data (machine code) that it can understand. We can also program it to convert decimal notation to binary, which is convenient when we're working with real numbers such as currency, length, temperature, speed, etc.